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Since the update airhump is no longer available for normal users, give us airhump back! D:

I don't know, I found it rather annoying and I don't think it will effect too much if not for better. I always despised seeing some random minges spamming the animation at cops in a serious situation.
I think they removed it because people would air hump. Cops, Medics, the mayor, and every thing else. It's not realistic to run up to the mayor and start humping him in front of SS. Or run up to the DoD and start humping his leg. Players where using it improperly.
You have no idea how many 8 year old swedes I've seen go behind a female and do the airhump act.

plus it's pretty annoying
Please no. People already had been using it way too much in serious situations. I'm just glad that this act isn't available for everyone:

And yes, we can still do it and it looks weird af on females

It was good while it lasted.
As said by multiple persons here, Airhump was a really annoying act since I saw a lot of people just trolling with it, resulting in them being arrested for 10.1. I don't think that it should be re-added tbh.
How can costellos services continue without this act.
The majority of baggers's rp is 99% air hump 1% chattin crap
If you could just bring it back for baggers's at least them I'm sure we can all sleep easy at night again
What you have to understand is that this "action" was actually disturbing the seriousrp, people often accidently used it and such which was pretty annoying for a lot of people. I'd say do not give it back considering it adds a lot of cons and no pros
>tfw arresting a criminal scumbag for being a dirty little law-breaker
>drive to pd with scumbag in back
>exit at pd, let scumbag out
>start dragging scumbag to pd building
>scumbag starts airhumping on the spot
>tfw can't drag because the hump is too strong

Not going to lie, I've never actually seen airhump be used for anything that benefits role-play. It's mostly just to troll or joke around, but really, it doesn't do much unless you ERP (which some people actually do, and it makes looking at console a few hundred times even weirder)

As such, I'd rather just keep it as it is, and limit airhump, regardless of whether it was intentional or not.
Just found out about this and I must say that I am quite disappointed, while Airhump was sometimes an act that made SeriousRP less present I would say that it is not the biggest problem, I won't go into depth about that because this thread is about airhump not about kids with a high pitched voice shouting the N word at every living organism on the server.

Personally I would love to see it back, I don't see how it lacks realism as I personally enjoy jumping on my school tables and airhumping in real life, don't see why I shouldn't do it in PERP.