John Daymon Messages 7,408 Reaction score 17,201 Points 900 Location IKEA - Northern Europe Aug 20, 2016 #1 Hallo, recently figured out that some of you guys do play Runescape, so me and Belg are actually not the only people Post your IG's and such, add my lvl 3 flipping account; KrDirani
Hallo, recently figured out that some of you guys do play Runescape, so me and Belg are actually not the only people Post your IG's and such, add my lvl 3 flipping account; KrDirani
DilanTheSkrub Messages 715 Reaction score 2,120 Points 340 Location in her grave Aug 20, 2016 #2 Would post. Account got hacked. Rip. Just take this dank meme instead
Garret_Pp Messages 347 Reaction score 1,413 Points 485 Location Georgia, United States of America Aug 21, 2016 #3 The days ahead are never as golden as the ones past but I look towards the future with a gleam in my eye for hope is on horizon. Hope that they won't FUCK RUNESCAPE WITH ANOTHER HORRIBLE UPDATE
The days ahead are never as golden as the ones past but I look towards the future with a gleam in my eye for hope is on horizon. Hope that they won't FUCK RUNESCAPE WITH ANOTHER HORRIBLE UPDATE
Belg Lmfao Messages 1,311 Reaction score 3,058 Points 760 Location Belgium Aug 21, 2016 #4 Beat me scrubs, faithconners can't touch it. @Kitty and @Ezrider play it aswell though, their IG's are tittyk1tty and ezrider
Beat me scrubs, faithconners can't touch it. @Kitty and @Ezrider play it aswell though, their IG's are tittyk1tty and ezrider
Wolfjie Messages 263 Reaction score 743 Points 475 Location United Kingdom. Bristol Aug 21, 2016 #5 Used to play this ages ago and I actually did very well had lots of money and a few 99s. Might get back into it ayy
Used to play this ages ago and I actually did very well had lots of money and a few 99s. Might get back into it ayy
Puma Messages 2,413 Reaction score 4,959 Points 815 Location Nigeria Nov 16, 2016 #6 you guys aint got nothing