Search results

  1. Askasta

    AR on Askasta

    In the video provided i entered the shop for the first time and i didnt see drugs yet so i didnt do any call. After a while walking around bazaars i saw the door was randomly open and one person standing AFK i think because he didnt do anything i looked around the corners then saw drugs so i...
  2. Askasta

    PERPHeads Staff Team Christmas Giveaway

    ayyy, lets goooo good luck everyone else
  3. Askasta

    Geforce Now Experience

    Wow im such a lucky person. Lucky i have CS:S because in the past when i wanted to buy CSGO a random sale started where CSGO only costed 7 Euro plus i got the older ones for free Alright thanks ill try this out then
  4. Askasta

    Geforce Now Experience

    Hello steam community, I Recently received access to Geforce Beta and was very existet. Because i watched videos about imput lag and why the internet in germany sucks. I Started a game called "Darwins Project" I had totaly no imput lag or whatsoever i found out that i am one of the lucky ones...
  5. Askasta

    Excessive force or 2.5?

    i like how 1 cop rdming causes this dicussion. Like bruh this is CLEARLY STRAIGHT RDM
  6. Askasta

    Excessive force or 2.5?

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmm okey I guess they said "Make an IA"
  7. Askasta

    Excessive force or 2.5?

    *Gets shot from officer* Bobo: Hello, Hello ? *Officer keeps shooting and killing him* somehow this got me lmao best reaction But yea i think this is hella 2.5 Just cause you was having a gun on your back dosent mean that the officer can just shoot you lmao its like when a player wanna kill...
  8. Askasta

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    Minecraft IGN: Askasta Team you are joining(if applicable): Additional Comments: Something else to play instead of perp
  9. Askasta

    Not a shooting montage 2

    i was complying you little piece of fuck
  10. Askasta

    Money drop on death

    can be closed
  11. Askasta

    Action Request on Flop De Plop

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Askasta / Erkan Kallman His Steam name/In-game Name: Flop De Plop / Alfred Orange His SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11114834 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: Bazaar was silent as hell and i started to get bored. So i got myself a kantana and wanted to mug Alfred to have...
  12. Askasta

    Defending office with a M82

    Bruh, explains much now
  13. Askasta

    Where do i find the notes ?

    D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data already found it
  14. Askasta

    Where do i find the notes ?

    NVM found it myself D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data
  15. Askasta

    Where do i find the notes ?

    yes i once found it randomly while going thru the files. but now i forgot where they was and i need them cause i wanna make AR
  16. Askasta

    Defending office with a M82

    But why does he play like that isnt that ugly or annoying ???
  17. Askasta

    Where do i find the notes ?

    Since the notes you take ingame acually save on your PC where do i find the folder with the notes ?
  18. Askasta

    Defending office with a M82

    why is the video so wide
  19. Askasta

    lets build paralake

    mc name: Askasta can i join ?
  20. Askasta

    New guy in town

    I wasn't the person recording it was NoHax lmao hahahaha
  21. Askasta

    the guy you wanted to target for minging too much

    the guy you wanted to target for minging too much
  22. Askasta

    Hello my lovley friend, guess whos back

    Hello my lovley friend, guess whos back
  23. Askasta

    Money drop on death

    Hmm, i think it would bother some people none lets random money laying randomly on the ground and even if none bothers it. The sweaters could get a use out of it
  24. Askasta

    Money drop on death

    Hello community, I've started to think about a function wich lets you drop a maximum 100 dollar on death just as a nice feature in perpheads due to it also being realistic since on death you drop equipped items. This would also make the cops drop 100 dollar maximum on death it would be just...
  25. Askasta

    New guy in town

    yea dude isnt this a miracle
  26. Askasta

    rr money

    i guess next time pay the roadcrew his money
  27. Askasta

    New guy in town im the guy in red vest hitting that one tap yikes *Cough* im orgless hire me the fuck up *cough* Shoutout to NoHax for his loud laugh
  28. Askasta

    Samsung x iPhone

    I Found out that some samsung phones have better technology inside then iphone phones. Yet like others said here iphone have a really simple/basic design and pretty easy to use. Still some iphones are just overpriced in my opinion. Yea i get it you pay also for the brand name but its just kinda...
  29. Askasta

    those bans are stacking fast

    those bans are stacking fast
  30. Askasta

    Bringing back the Tracksuits and Sport Shoes

    Didnt XQ wanted to make a clothing update when he updated the models ??? The update never came out ?????