AR on Askasta

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Sorle/Alfa Ross
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Askasta /Erkan Kallman
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82185287
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 4.1 - Trespassed on my shop without reason and reported drugs, getting us raided twice and making me specifically lose a MAC-11 with a compensator, red dot, stock, and full mag.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A.
I was on duty at the time and the medic did confirm to us that there were drugs inside, resulting in us raiding your property. He also said over the radio that one of you allegedly said come inside to him, hence we didn't deal with him for trespassing.
I also have a clip from when we started the raid on your property if this helps with lack of evidence:

cheers, I'll provide a demo of the raid if necessary
I was involved, he kept running inside to look for drugs, wasnt invited in, he just wouldnt fuck off and made numerous attempts to get inside, being successful twice.
@Askasta Why did you enter the back of the shop? Did they invite you? and if so please provide a video of this.
In the video provided i entered the shop for the first time and i didnt see drugs yet so i didnt do any call.

After a while walking around bazaars i saw the door was randomly open and one person standing AFK i think because he didnt do anything i looked around the corners then saw drugs so i quickly ran out and called the drugs in.

So yes i just randomly walked in twice and im sorry for the lost items and making you angry about this situation. I Admit my wrong doings here even cops told me that it was trespassing but the raid was already over.

Ill Accept any punishment given and i will in the future not minge as medic/break laws.
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