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  1. BillySavery

    BR on Carrie Gambini

    2.1 as well, Why was he punching you?
  2. BillySavery

    5th of August

    Hope it blows up
  3. BillySavery

    Biggest regrets!

    Bought too many Fifa packs now I can't afford Vip
  4. BillySavery

    Thank you for all the birthday messages guys!!

    Thank you for all the birthday messages guys!!
  5. BillySavery

    Chers boyle u feckin dillldo m8

    Chers boyle u feckin dillldo m8
  6. BillySavery

    Cheers boy, thank you for the walkthroughs on snapchat earlier

    Cheers boy, thank you for the walkthroughs on snapchat earlier
  7. BillySavery

    Peace out homies

    Aaron can't be trusted to go to the toilet without falling in it. Why would you trust him with a fucking secret, it's 100% your own fault, he is a dirty asslicker. :laughcry: Anyways, I never knew you had such a bad record to be fair, always thought you were alright. Cya around!
  8. BillySavery

    What music/noise do you listen to?

  9. BillySavery

    Sick of the corruption and rule breaking.

    +Support Last week Standish slapped my car into a lake and forced me to say common phrases for his personal use on a soundboard!!!! Demote him hole staff team corrupt and against me!!!
  10. BillySavery

    The Davidson Family

    No one thinks you're cool because you're going Zante you little goon boy, your org members are 15 years old maximum.
  11. BillySavery


    Bye Bye Hax, although I never heard it, I bet your voice is beautiful.
  12. BillySavery

    Your creations.

    No one cares.
  13. BillySavery

    BR on Gerkin.

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Billy Savery / Billy Belinsky His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Gerkin / Arnold Gerkin His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58078054 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: The player broke 3.4 and 2.1 by stabbing a LEO for absolutely no reason. At tick 2.5K (roughly) Garry Arnolds...
  14. BillySavery

    Ban Request - Gary Belinsky

    - Support for me. If you didn't laugh half way through the video whilst mugging him then I would have "+ supported" but ideally when your mugging someone you don't really want Aaron there or to be laughing.
  15. BillySavery

    Goodbye to the community

  16. BillySavery

    CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) And Medical Overhaul

    Hey Mr Riddle I think the problem with this is the fact you will be taking RP from medics and that is a job that a lot of people like doing (Lewis Love and Brick Breeland) I personally think it is a good idea however you have to take into consideration the "minges" and "fail RPers" of the...
  17. BillySavery

    SELFIE THREAD This is me last weekend
  18. BillySavery

    Íslenska Mafían; The Icelandic Mafia

    Accepted Matt and Belg
  19. BillySavery

    Íslenska Mafían; The Icelandic Mafia

    I join This is John Gorden on Billys account because my internet is down. Accepted, wait for invitation when next online Yessss, Woooo! I'm in.
  20. BillySavery

    Your account actually get hacked?

    Your account actually get hacked?
  21. BillySavery

    The Sandwich Thread!

    The key to my heart is a Ham and Cheese sandwich.
  22. BillySavery

    No, I just ate Chinese, soz

    No, I just ate Chinese, soz
  23. BillySavery


  24. BillySavery

    It is completely fine, I had a total of about 12 wanks to that Brown haired cunt

    It is completely fine, I had a total of about 12 wanks to that Brown haired cunt
  25. BillySavery

    Are you that specialist doctor?

    Are you that specialist doctor?
  26. BillySavery

    I'll do a ban appeal in Saturday at least then I waited a week for my ban

    I'll do a ban appeal in Saturday at least then I waited a week for my ban
  27. BillySavery

    Crafting +

    In Character Information: IC Name: Billy Belinsky. Favorite weapon: M82. Current Vehicle(s): Audi S5. Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 8 - Firearms roughly 55ish. Previous Organizations: Belinsky Family (about 1 year) Armenian Mafia (about 1 Month) Peter The Prophet (about 4...
  28. BillySavery

    Oh no, I see you be ripping of Phaedo 82 ;)

    Oh no, I see you be ripping of Phaedo 82 ;)
  29. BillySavery

    Ban request 4x

    +Support I completely agree with Zan, it doesn't look like he rammed Bilbo on purpose but IRL, you would want to find out details to follow up the insurance claim. Also if he got hit with a bat IRL and ran to the police about 20 metres away there would be visible damage to show he was hit (e.g...
  30. BillySavery

    Peter The Prophet do GTA V (ft Bolli)

    Fucking hell I can't stop laughing at 3:33 :laughcry: