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  1. R-Flex

    PLPD Montage

    Watch at 1080p for a good bitrate enjoy
  2. R-Flex

    5.56 Nerf Removal Suggestion Post

    You know that if you buff m4s its gonna make em way easier for tfu?
  3. R-Flex

    How can we save Criminal RP?

    The drug system change was unnecessary. New players keep losing money while old ones gain even more than before. People just prefer being cop since the planter boxes alone are 10k
  4. R-Flex

    How can we save Criminal RP?

    Maybe an update to give more incentive in growing drugs and buying something new that isnt cars or guns
  5. R-Flex

    [Discussion] Remove misdemeanour tickets

    Removing tickets will mean that every single dude going in for 10 years will literally annoy the shit out of the officer arresting him because he wont be able to take any financial loss. I dont tend to give tickets for murder or 9.2 but there are idiots who will literally do everything to piss...
  6. R-Flex

    RR @Gimic

    Your in-game name: Del Navarro Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:83551931 What do you need refunded: Car Wreck Repair ( 28k ) , G36C With full mag and stock Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Crashed and died due to a event people joined which caused chaos on the highway Evidence: @Gimic...
  7. R-Flex


    12 thanks
  8. R-Flex

    Guns keep on switching to semi automatic

    tfu guns are always first set on semi when you take them from the armory just like crafting
  9. R-Flex

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam]

    ReLive doesnt work with 64 bit version
  10. R-Flex

    AR 3.4 | @Ethan

    So tell me how hard was it for me from having my gun pointed to the ground to pull it up and aim it at him? Was it a risk worth taking? Or could he have gone behind cover instead? Its clear that he got lucky. You can see my gun was pointed at him before he even had his gun on attack.
  11. R-Flex

    And do what? My car is maxed out + chromed and i got a maxed out escalade as well as skills...

    And do what? My car is maxed out + chromed and i got a maxed out escalade as well as skills? Sorry i dont 24/7 grow like you for some virtual cash
  12. R-Flex

    AR 3.4 | @Ethan

    So then why didnt you pull your gun out but instead went for cover? Clearly you had the same chances and even better with distance and yet you still didnt pull a gun. You knew you would risk your life. How can you agree on something someone else did when you did the exact opposite in the same...
  13. R-Flex

    AR 3.4 | @Ethan

    Yes because it takes longer to lift your arm up than put your hands in your back and reach a rifle. Dont be stupid Inch
  14. R-Flex

    AR 3.4 | @Ethan

    Because 1 pistol shot would put you laying to the ground before you can even touch your back. Dont you find it stupid running at a cop and then pulling an ak right infront of him when he literally has his pistol in his hands? Its clear that you saw i had no rifle and just went for it since you...
  15. R-Flex

    AR 3.4 | @Ethan

    Your Steam/In-game Name: R-Flex / Damon Wraith His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Ethan / Ethan Belinsky His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55480733 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 No regard for his life. Warranted or not runs at cops with @Dom_ and pulls a gun out right infront of me without even...
  16. R-Flex

    Ryzen or Intel

    Well is it worth 200$+ for 4-20 fps more? Depends what games you play also.
  17. R-Flex

    Ryzen or Intel

    Isnt it pretty clear itself?
  18. R-Flex

    PC Overheating

    Maybe your room temp is too hot and you have overclocked your pc too much?
  19. R-Flex

    What's wrong with PERP? - Community's opinion

    @MegaFro Compare how many shootings happen in a city in a year to perp. Reason why real life swat doesnt patrol is because they will get a shootout once a month so instead of them patroling at point A and wasting the resources they instead stay at pd.
  20. R-Flex

    What's wrong with PERP? - Community's opinion

    @Ethan So you prefer 4 swat 24-7 than 2 tfu patroling?
  21. R-Flex

    What's wrong with PERP? - Community's opinion

    Some questions just dont make sense So you guys want less tfu slots but you want swat back where everyone who is cop with vip can join? Or do you want to replace TFU with Swat so untrainned and noob cops can join it so you can win more often?
  22. R-Flex

    Fallout 76 Free Beta Access Keys

    I got a code for pc
  23. R-Flex

    Windows 10 or something

    you are running the latest windows update?
  24. R-Flex

    RoAd SpIkEs BuFf PlEaSe

  25. R-Flex

    Unable to rank up in CSGO

    Player with higher ranked players and win those games then you will rank up
  26. R-Flex

    crashing when ingame

    make sure you are running gmod in dxlevel 90?
  27. R-Flex

    Only allowed to raid with your own Organisation

    Maybe with this and a org member limit to 15 people will actually fight each other since only the best players will be in 1 or and the others will have to form smaller orgs than just all being friends as it is right now. What we need is 1 powerful org and many other not so powerful orgs to...
  28. R-Flex

    World War 3.

    I might buy it if it gets really popular. Right now its just not worth