If you haven't played/purchased Fallout 76 you can still play the beta. Players who own F76 get 3 keys to give out to friends and give them access to the beta, and a lot of people are giving them out on the subreddit (that's where I got mine)
Go to
Make sure you're on sort by new and spam refresh until you see someone who commented keys for your platform. Have the Redeem Code tab open so you can paste the code on it faster. People are giving away keys almost every minute, but be fast because these are only the first hours after the announcement was made.
If you manage to get a PC key, hmu tonight see if we can play together.
If you haven't played/purchased Fallout 76 you can still play the beta. Players who own F76 get 3 keys to give out to friends and give them access to the beta, and a lot of people are giving them out on the subreddit (that's where I got mine)
Go to
Make sure you're on sort by new and spam refresh until you see someone who commented keys for your platform. Have the Redeem Code tab open so you can paste the code on it faster. People are giving away keys almost every minute, but be fast because these are only the first hours after the announcement was made.
If you manage to get a PC key, hmu tonight see if we can play together.