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  1. RafaKill2012

    Wow, it's been a long time...

    Wow, it's been a long time...
  2. RafaKill2012


    Have you considered making an AR on the first cop that showed up? Because not only was he completely clueless regarding the laws, he also potentially caused the subsequent police raid that made you lose your items, due to his lack of professionalism. He agreed to the laws and rules when he first...
  3. RafaKill2012

    Sweatevests you have helped

    Oh, I think I saw you guys helping them at Subs, even took a screenshot:
  4. RafaKill2012


    My turn: Worms Armageddon Main Theme Final Fantasy VII - One Winged Angel Devil May Cry 3 - Devils Never Cry Super Street Fighter 2 - Guile's Theme Couldn't pick a favorite, so I just brought the best ones I could remember. EDIT: Almost forgot about the most tranquilising theme...
  5. RafaKill2012

    Action Request on hidewhite2

    Alright, analysing the video, I noticed, apart from what you said, that he also broke NLR, since he died at 0:36 in the video, got finished off 28 seconds later (1:04) and then at 5:12, less than 5 minutes after he respawned, he comes back. So you may add 3.5 into the mix of broken rules. Oh, I...
  6. RafaKill2012

    The International Contract Agency

    Now there's a Hitman org... Interesting. Creative, yes. Original... Hum, never seen a hitman org before around here... I would say you totally copied another game's organisation, but who am I to say such a thing. Specially because of The Saints, which totally wasn't stolen from another game.
  7. RafaKill2012

    Happy Birthday, man!

    Happy Birthday, man!
  8. RafaKill2012

    The Saints Application Form

    So, I see you're interested in joining The Saints... Good. I just need you to fill out some forms and send them directly to me via e-mail (Forum PM @RafaKill2012 ). You will find the document in question below...
  9. RafaKill2012

    The Tagliano Family | STATUS: OPEN

    *A black envelope decorated with a purple fleur-de-lis arrives at The Tagliano Family's headquarters* Inside, there's a small text written over a white piece of paper: I would like to welcome you to the city on behalf of The Saints, I'm sure The Tagliano Family is composed of the finest...
  10. RafaKill2012


    I somehow get the feeling that this org is a disguised powerhouse... Or it just has a "nice and well done" logo... Wouldn't underestimate Promise...
  11. RafaKill2012

    6.0 Firearm Laws

    Interesting proposal, but I believe it needs some adjustments, I'll add your alterations to the current laws we have (plus make the necessary changes so the laws work): 6.0 Firearm Laws 6.1 Firearms in a Public Setting The legal possession and use of firearms in public is limited to handguns...
  12. RafaKill2012

    The Saints

    ANNOUNCEMENT The Saints are back on active, our member roster has been updated and we're now recruiting, so if you wish to join, contact us by leaving a message on our website or directly seek the head of our organization ( @RafaKill2012 ). Application forms will soon be up. Since we were a...
  13. RafaKill2012

    Action Request On Baggers

    I will give my opinion based on what I saw from the video and based on your accusations. First, regarding the breaking of Rule 6.3, based on where he was standing, I don't think any of the NPCs could've seen him, as the gas station columns and the shelves inside were hiding him from view...
  14. RafaKill2012

    AR - Headglitch - Eddie Stallone / Heatz

    Well, saw the video and at least from your perspective, there really is no way to see who killed you, the only person that could've shot you in that position was the guy behind the concrete barricades, but it happened so fast it's impossible to know from just your POV. To fully investigate this...
  15. RafaKill2012

    Yay, celebrating Christmas, Saint style

    Yay, celebrating Christmas, Saint style
  16. RafaKill2012

    Action Request on ItsAquaa | CSGOWILD.COM

    Well, judging by what I saw in the video, my bet is that both Aquaa and whoever was on the railing saw your AK poking through the door/wall and immediately knew you were armed (probably breaking 2.1), so when you opened the door, they expected you to come out guns blazing, thinking you heard...
  17. RafaKill2012

    S.W.A.T. Shotgun breaching unit.

    I feel this could be a nice addition to the server, if balanced out properly. Perhaps there could be some rules or restrictions in regards to it's use, e.g.: The breaching shotgun can only be used on certain properties, which in normal circumstances would be too risky for the police to breach...
  18. RafaKill2012

    Brutal Messages / Decapitation

    Well, this is going a bit overboard. I mean, this suggestion comes straight out of an Islamic State message video and it not only isn't too practical in game and server terms, it also might be interpreted as offensive by some people, so yeah, doesn't look like a thing that could happen, nor is...
  19. RafaKill2012

    Contributing to inactivity thread day

    Just passing by to inform the ones of you who still remember me that I'm still alive, just couldn't be active on the forums or server in the past 2 months or so because of a number of reasons, namely: The fact that my PC decided to fry it's own hard drive, making me have to spend a long time...
  20. RafaKill2012

    The Saints

    ANNOUNCEMENT Attention all Saints, I have negotiated a surrender agreement with The Quality Street Gang. No Saint is to mug, raid or attack Quality Street members as we have enacted a cease fire between our organizations and so, no hostile interactions are to be carried out. If all goes well...
  21. RafaKill2012

    Jakey Finn

    Well, have you checked if he was the owner of the apartment and thought you guys were raiding? And even then, just because you see a guy with an AK on his back in front of your apartment, you can't just open fire, he should've told both of you to get on the ground. I'll just wait for his reply...
  22. RafaKill2012

    Quality Street

    Good evening Quality Street, I've come here on behalf of the renewed Saints to ask for a truce in this short war we've had. I'm sure we all know that lives were lost on both sides and that this war is now pointless. The leading members of the organization have left town, you may count that as a...
  23. RafaKill2012

    The Saints

    ANNOUNCEMENT As you all may know, the previous leader, Charles Wellington, has left Paralake, along with his higher-ranking members, with no intentions of coming back. Since The Saints' leadership has been passed on to me, I've already been working on resolving conflicts between us and other...
  24. RafaKill2012

    The Saints

    Well, you see, we're not the ones posting pics of dead QS members on their page, I'm sorry, but the harsh truth is that some people got butthurt at us before we were officially announced as an org, so they decided to pick on us. Also, like LEWIS 088 reminded me yesterday, when joining the...
  25. RafaKill2012

    The Saints

    MY FELLOW SAINTS... As it seems, we were able to subdue a member of Quality Street, who exactly is still unknown. Unfortunately though, the Saint responsible for such act was killed some time after, presumably by our enemies. In his body, we were able to find a tape, containing footage of the...
  26. RafaKill2012

    Action Request on -[AGSY]-gamerdanger99

    Well, from what I see in the video, the cops shouldn't have arrested you, people that are caught jaywalking are subject to tickets only and even then, you jaywalked extremely close to the crosswalk, so unless the officer wanted to pick on you, the ticket was unjustified, like Prepper said. When...
  27. RafaKill2012

    The Saints

    Welcome to The Saints' official page. Here you'll learn about our history and various details regarding the gang. The Saints organization was founded in August 15, 2015 by Hanz Olaf, now known as Charles Wellington, with the original purpose of gathering his friends to perform activities...
  28. RafaKill2012

    Action Request On Viktor Belinsky/EVIL

    *Sigh* I didn't want this to become a long-ass argument, but here we go: - Okay, this is not a ban request. This is an action request, which means the outcome can be one of 3 possibilities. 1, nothing happens, as you're found to not be a rule breaker. 2 You receive a warning due to your rule...
  29. RafaKill2012

    Action Request On Viktor Belinsky/EVIL

    Alright, here we go, my reply: - First, don't disrespect me or my friends by calling us "purple fucks", that breaks forum rule #1.1. - I was armed and willing to use my pistol if I found out that the cops were shooting my friends and that I could survive that encounter. - Like I said, I was...
  30. RafaKill2012

    Action Request On Viktor Belinsky/EVIL

    Your Steam/In-game Name: RafaKill2012 / Rafael Ramires His/Her Steam/In-game Name: EVIL / Viktor Belinsky His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19490979 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: The player broke rule #2.1 when he shot me in the head for no apparent reason, simply pointing his gun at me after...