Sweatevests you have helped

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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
Today me and @Eddie Stallone went to look for some sweatervest's to help them start out on Perpheads. We got them weapons and pots to grow drugs with. We grew drugs and did meth at Parker. We then hear an explosion next to us at Glassco and @LordTyla came and crashed the party by evacuating the factories even though the fire doesn't spread so rip all drugs and weapons. Also Would like to ask @LordTyla if we can make an RR for the guns and drugs since the cops confiscated them even though the shootout next to us wasn't over yet and @Robin Ljungberg saved us.


Ps. Lewis Debacker can go kill himself stole my gun and drugs and left so we had to kill him.
@Creepis Much love to Furki :booty:
When i was a sweater he gave me money and brought me to the Jeniffers to buy clothes.
And we are still good friends! Ist da ganja boy @Creepis

(Creepis u still have those photo's of me shopping? ) :kappa:
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