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  1. Blue

    Police Suggestion make police pay to repair police cars like we have to

    i just respawn it when its broken anyway so doubt this will fix anything
  2. Blue


  3. Blue

    Competition #1 After threatening me with an empty gun
  4. Blue

    Odd food combinations you love

    wheres the chez you need chez
  5. Blue

    Should I apply to become a admin?

  6. Blue


  7. Blue

    Have you got a better car yet?

    Have you got a better car yet?
  8. Blue

    Hello, it is solo here. i have a message from the gods. [IMG] pumpkin break rules, pumpkin get...

    Hello, it is solo here. i have a message from the gods. pumpkin break rules, pumpkin get smashed (and not in a good way)
  9. Blue

    [IMG]is this your official staff rank?

    is this your official staff rank?
  10. Blue

    Thoughts on chocolate milk?

    better than normal milk unless with oreos or cookies
  11. Blue

    "Your organization is not allowed to buy more than 1 property of this type."

    I think one bazaar shop and one business shop is the max that an org should have. First though i think that people should be stopped from buying a store with no intention of selling much/anything and selling it to the highest bidder when there is no free shops.
  12. Blue

    Meta Quest

    try the tea for god demo
  13. Blue

    Server Suggestion pvp server

    queue server should be the PVP server, id probably play that more than the main server
  14. Blue

    Police Suggestion Add PD Computer to Cell Area

    Your dev now, make it so ;)
  15. Blue

    New car! $$$

    Whats your budget?
  16. Blue

    Police Suggestion Add PD Computer to Cell Area

    maybe just add a section to the jailer npc to use the computer, if its even possible
  17. Blue

    whats everyones favorite pie

    Your weird, there is nothing better, also ngl wtf is that top thing thought it was an english muffin at first glance
  18. Blue

    Paintball: Why or why not?

    Havent really played but one good is people can see when they are hit no ignoring shots like airsoft.
  19. Blue


  20. Blue

    Server Suggestion Dummy rounds

    Sorry what? your pro for this is that it can be used for trolling? if anything im giving one of these guns to a sweater and sending him gung-ho into slums.
  21. Blue

    Chris Flynn & Alex Lopez

    Damn, glad to see the furry phase is over, good work!
  22. Blue

    5x VIP Giveaway!

    Jennifer Walker/Alehandro STEAM_0:1:63263858
  23. Blue

    Come on man... give them a break, i dont even know how you can compare them to an orangutan...

    Come on man... give them a break, i dont even know how you can compare them to an orangutan thats pretty insulting, orangutans are clearly smarter as pictured below.
  24. Blue

    Server Suggestion Better Car Customization?

    Give me a super lifted mini cooper that drives like a milk float with a jet engine please.
  25. Blue


    Bean can says no
  26. Blue


    Your not allowed to leave waypo though, sucks that you cant put perp mod on your CV :( they dont take enforcer seriously. Good luck with ur tings
  27. Blue

    [IMG]think your in here somewhere

    think your in here somewhere
  28. Blue


  29. Blue

    Server Suggestion custom car horns

    Exactly this, we dont need muscial horns, i just want to be able to hold down ctrl for the longer horn, the amount of times i want to angrily beep at someone and it does a friendly toot toot. me not happy with the toot toot like a citroen i want the german angry sounding horns. See if we could...
  30. Blue

    iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB Black Titanium Owners Club

    Wheres your tenner