Server Suggestion Dummy rounds

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Suggestion Title: Dummy rounds
Suggestion Description: A new ammo box for dummy rounds that only produce noise.

Why should this be added?:
- this can be used for trolling and can also be used for training without anyone getting hurt like controlling the recoil this should be available for high firearm level and need to be avg price.

What negatives could this have?:
- probably giving someone a gun with dummy rounds and he is about to pd raid

Useful Images:
People throwing practice grenades to make people shit themselves at bazaar is already enough of a problem. Adding blank ammo would serve no gameplay purpose whatsoever and only cause more mingery.
What he said.

Also, if you want to do recoil training, that's literally what the shooting range is for.
Suggestion Title: Dummy rounds
Suggestion Description: A new ammo box for dummy rounds that only produce noise.

Why should this be added?:
- this can be used for trolling and can also be used for training without anyone getting hurt like controlling the recoil this should be available for high firearm level and need to be avg price.

What negatives could this have?:
- probably giving someone a gun with dummy rounds and he is about to pd raid

Useful Images:
the image you have provided is rubber bullets , this is an actualy good suggestion, suprised i havent seen a 1250 word essay from Bnje about it yet....
If this is rejected then it will bring me to my next idea plastic shots that only stun people movement and deal some damage
There is no benefit in this other than people wanting to be suicidal which is just blatantly breaking 3.4/3.6 lol. I've already seen people get told off for using the 10-year anniversary confetti as a fake shotgun, causing police to shoot them.

A fun suggestion, but don't think it's suitable.
Just add a BB gun for “practice” if anything albeit we have a whole shooting range you can just use to learn to shoot perp guns.
Sorry what? your pro for this is that it can be used for trolling? if anything im giving one of these guns to a sweater and sending him gung-ho into slums.

Too much gunfire as it is when we have 128 players on a map like Paralake

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