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  1. TraxØGJ

    Hey, I'm Extinction.

    Well anyway is already late but whatever: Welcome man!
  2. TraxØGJ

    Upcoming S.W.A.T. gamemode

    Will be there any S.W.A.T leader selection? Someone to can select the positions and make a plan?
  3. TraxØGJ

    Ban Request: poppamies

    After seeing these replies and these commentaries I was starting doubting about what poppamies told me, so I decided to get out of PH to check the video and take a look at it, to see what exactly happened. And I believe I must give an apology to Isotex. Anyway this demo changed my mind...
  4. TraxØGJ

    Ban Request: poppamies

    This is no longer my opinion (see my last post on thread) This was what happened EXACTLY: the lieutenant (poppamies) had reasons to break in, he heard you talking about meth and coke and he asked you a lot of times to open the door, and you refused witch means you were not cooperating with the...
  5. TraxØGJ

    New Job : The FBI.

    This was already suggested and denied: ps: I only found that one.
  6. TraxØGJ

    [Idea] Org. Ranksystem

    + Support, I have seen some organisations, with ranks for each members, unfortunately they can't do that. However, members publish the ranks on their own organisation's pages on the forums. That would be great, giving a possibility to can give ranks "Inside of the Organisation".
  7. TraxØGJ

    Shop Signs

    + Support, This is a great Idea!
  8. TraxØGJ

    Tobi's Resignation

    Sad to see you leaving. Good luck mate :)
  9. TraxØGJ


    I leave a + Support. Anyway about that thing you said about that they use voicechat so you can't really see if he is a cop, I think now to know if he is a cop (on chat), you must be facing him/looking at him, to show the officer's color job on the name. So if he uses a chat you can't really see...
  10. TraxØGJ


    + Support. The both ideas are great (more money from bank robberys and be able to rob the jewelry store)!
  11. TraxØGJ

    new rule for raiding

    Alabin Lundmark already said everything. 3.18 and 3.25.
  12. TraxØGJ

    Increase in the maximum amount of players allowed in the server

    I really can´t support this. The server can´t nearly hold 60 slots, I dont want to imagine more slots. The slots have been increased once (50 < 60), and trust me with this map and these ammount of players I don´t know how the server can still online. - Support
  13. TraxØGJ

    RULE SUGGESTION: Panic Button

    I agree with this, using panic button at gun point, is like calling 911 at gun point (not exactly).
  14. TraxØGJ

    Jon's FanClub APP.

    You know that the head security is chosen by the owners with the time, not directly right?
  15. TraxØGJ

    Jon's FanClub APP.

  16. TraxØGJ

    Jon's FanClub APP.

    IGN/STEAM NAME: George Johnson //// Watch Dogs | McNuggets Age: 15 What are you applying for: Security Guard; Why do you want to join: Because I always wanted to help in security stuff and also work for a "band"; Are you trusted, why: Yes, I've been always officer "near", also because I like to...
  17. TraxØGJ

    Jon's Fan Club

    I agree with Alex too, he made me laught xD
  18. TraxØGJ

    Sad news

    :( is a terrible new. R.I.P my friend
  19. TraxØGJ

    New forum design?

    AMAZING! But I just see that you changed the background style, and you added a title saying PerpHeads, the color of the forums class title, and the category header, didn´t you had any idea for the navegation menu? Like a new color to the selected one, or something? But the website is good.
  20. TraxØGJ

    GTA 5 coming for PC this Fall

    GTA V isn't so shit as Watch Dogs, well Watch Dogs isn't so good because the Ubisoft doesn't have so much experience in free roam games as GTA. GTA V is really good I have it to PS3 and it is amazing, but I already have it so I'll don't buy it.
  21. TraxØGJ

    Welcome to Perpheads

    That laught, in the end ahahahah
  22. TraxØGJ

    Server Performance Upgrade!

    Thanks Fredy!