Ban Request: poppamies

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Isotex

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: poppamies

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33003854

Reason: Breaking FearRP, Random Warrant x2, Random raid, Random parking ticket when car is parked.

Evidence: I have console log screenshots and screenshots of the post-raid apt, I also have a shot of where my van was parked before the parking ticket put it in the impound. [EDIT:] And a Demo uploaded to YT
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Okay, so what happened is, that I heard you and your "friend" talking about meth, coke and stuff like that, and I asked you to open the door few times, after that you insulted me on LOOC and I decided to use warrant. You guy kept breaking rule 1.1 all the times and didnt stop, even some people and I told you about that.
This is no longer my opinion (see my last post on thread)

This was what happened EXACTLY: the lieutenant (poppamies) had reasons to break in, he heard you talking about meth and coke and he asked you a lot of times to open the door, and you refused witch means you were not cooperating with the lieutenant, then he gives you a warrant and he breaks in with reasons, I can´t tell nothing about the gun point because I wasn´t there looking, but anyway I don´t see any demo showing here that he was at gunpoint.

And the next thing I´m gonna tell you, is that if I was poppamies I would make a ban request on you, because you insulted him in help chat and in Global OCC chat breaking 1.1 in front of everyone on the server. Then you disconnected and joined again to the server to tell this
(Check Image)

You don´t have any reasons to make a ban request on poppamies. And seems you didn't learn when I told you to don't use OOC for "those" comments.

Well looking to your images, you didn´t post your insults...
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I reconnected to get his steam ID for the BR. and no he didn't come to my door and say open up. he randomly warranted me, twice.
maybe I did break 1.1, I was provoked and the video shall show you. and if someone besides popp and trax were to see, they might very well agree.

why the hell does youtube take forever to upload... fraps always makes my vids huge in size...

This link should work...
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I love how you upload a video, and pretty much constantly break 3.24 in it. talking in the enitre OOC chat what happend and whine. Also breaking 1.1 at the end.
I don't know if you said anything about meth and coke, and if you didn't he shouldn't had a reason to break in, but damn...
I love how you upload a video, and pretty much constantly break 3.24 in it. talking in the enitre OOC chat what happend and whine. Also breaking 1.1 at the end.
I don't know if you said anything about meth and coke, and if you didn't he shouldn't had a reason to break in, but damn...

there we go, my point exactly, he had no reason to break in.
This was what happened EXACTLY: the lieutenant (poppamies) had reasons to break in, he heard you talking about meth and coke and he asked you a lot of times to open the door, and you refused witch means you were not cooperating with the lieutenant, then he gives you a warrant and he breaks in with reasons, I can´t tell nothing about the gun point because I wasn´t there looking, but anyway I don´t see any demo showing here that he was at gunpoint.

And the next thing I´m gonna tell you, is that if I was poppamies I would make a ban request on you, because you insulted him in help chat and in Global OCC chat breaking 1.1 in front of everyone on the server. Then you disconnected and joined again to the server to tell this
(Check Image)

You don´t have any reasons to make a ban request on poppamies. And seems you didn't learn when I told you to don't use OOC for "those" comments.

Well looking to your images, you didn´t post your insults...

Yeah that was supposed to be a joke... the Uranus one, probably not a funny one...
+ Support, even though you were breaking some minor rules. However what Poppamies did is not kind of allowed since he had no actual grounds to give you a warrant in the first place, nor the ticket.
Most likely an officer wouldnt keep smashing the door up when the owner is right next to him, He didnt even ask you to open it which in my point of view is kind of unrealistic. Any how if he had reasons to search your apartment means that you are most likely a criminal so why didnt he handcuff you? (might become edited later on)
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First of all you should not use the OOC chat for ingame related things such as asking who is the owner of x vehicle. Now Poppamies did indeed had no reason to be breaking into your property as he had no evidence to be breaking into the property. Once again only because you think something is in there does not give you the reason to be entering the property. Now i could image that Poppamies though that you had drugs in there because you guys were talking about it in OOC (which i would not recommend in the first place) which he obviously cannot use for an in-character purpose.

I'm not an Administrator anymore but if you ask me Poppamies should be punished by being blacklisted from Police Officer and Lieutenant. As well as a 1-2 day ban as he was already punished for a similar situation.

Especially for someone that is trying to become an Enforcer you should know the Rules and Laws.
So, because he was speaking about drugs? means you raid? In which way is that realistic. In real life many people speak about drugs doesn't mean you have them. It's like me talking about bombs in my house, does that mean I have a bomb? It doesn't.

After seeing these replies and these commentaries I was starting doubting about what poppamies told me, so I decided to get out of PH to check the video and take a look at it, to see what exactly happened. And I believe I must give an apology to Isotex. Anyway this demo changed my mind.

Checking back there you broke 3.24 but I´m not gonna speak about that, because it wasn't so serious. Continuing the demo, I needed to check it probably 3 times followed in the time: 8:00 - 8:16

I don't understand the reason (there isn't one) for giving a warrant and then breaking/trying to break into your house.
Also the gunpoint was fast, but I know you pulled the gun first so ...

But then you broke 1.1 witch didn't make me happy. But to be honest, poppamies wasn't "the saint" of the story too. Good luck with your ban request.


PS: Was my bad believing completely on poppamies, I really sry for this misunderstanding. Just please don't insult other players after these situations.
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So, because he was speaking about drugs? means you raid? In which way is that realistic. In real life many people speak about drugs doesn't mean you have them. It's like me talking about bombs in my house, does that mean I have a bomb? It doesn't.

It is okay to call the Police if you think someone is up to no good. Fact is if the Police arrives at the scene and talks to the owner of the property and he refuses to let the Police enter its his right to do so. You cannot arrest him for failing to cooperate as he does not have to unless you come back with solid evidence and a warrant placed on the person.
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