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  1. Twitty

    Text messages

    As long as i can send nudes to all my contacts.
  2. Twitty

    This is my goodbye

    4th time leaving :D bye
  3. Twitty

    Ban Request Bob Dogri

    User was banned /closed due to something else
  4. Twitty

    Best comedy show ever.
  5. Twitty

    Pc Fun time

    Bump wanna see more photo's guys :D
  6. Twitty

    Massive RDM at nexus topfloor.

    Gonna need some demo's guys then we can look at it further
  7. Twitty

    Ind failing

    Did you call him a her lol!?!
  8. Twitty

    Staff team idea

    First American Moderator right here pal :D
  9. Twitty

    Hey guys

    Lol ruby ^_^ you so funny boi but welcome menta (;
  10. Twitty

    Website: Christmas changes

    I liked that feature tho :/
  11. Twitty


    Well thank you for your opinion it is much considered and i really enjoy having the time to talk to you /Closed
  12. Twitty

    Staff team idea

    Your the exception cause your active on the forums just not in-game XD
  13. Twitty

    Fail cop needs ban.

    /closed appears to be resolved
  14. Twitty

    Boil Still

    Shouldn't have left while being talk to.
  15. Twitty

    Staff team idea

    As for applications its a very delicate process in which Luke must set aside time to do. Remember he is a human he has a job and other things to handle before games. and as for inactive admins i don't think Luke wants to demote them. either way things are in the process of getting settled into.
  16. Twitty

    Perpheads died when Cyrus left...

    Don't try to start conflict... yes its sad he left but then again. it was his own decision.
  17. Twitty

    God Save The Queen

    I feel like i know your whole life story now
  18. Twitty

    Parking Tickets - Government Officials

    DaNiz is right there is no other way but to have them demoted. you can't really punish a government job with tickets its pointless. and since this is a serious rp server they need to act serious. If you believe they are ruining your game-play experience. use /report. however i do know what you...
  19. Twitty

    Pc Fun time

    Personally i don't care about cable management XD ill do it when i get my new case ^_^
  20. Twitty

    Pc Fun time

    we got the same memory sticks lel i don't know why mine is at 668MHz tho.. weird
  21. Twitty

    Pc Fun time

    Ok so i have done this on other community's and why not here post your computer specs and a picture of your computer if possible its a fun little thing to do. Update: Also im getting new stuff for Christmas such as a new graphics card and case which you will see below...
  22. Twitty

    Huge Idea Brainstorm of awesomness Twitty Approved

    I think it looks sexy ;D
  23. Twitty

    Huge Idea Brainstorm of awesomness Twitty Approved

    I wasn't looking for support or non support on this.
  24. Twitty

    Huge Idea Brainstorm of awesomness Twitty Approved

  25. Twitty

    Im so done of this server

    I cant do much -.-
  26. Twitty

    Huge Idea Brainstorm of awesomness Twitty Approved

    Let's Start with some cars Ford Explorer - now while this does not have photo's of the car itself i have seen it in-game and its quite nice and needs to be added as a police car... considering it is... and used alot by lots of PD's Lambosine...
  27. Twitty

    Perma banrequest on Matt Jackson ~ Heavy rdm/fail rp

    he has been perma banned by me to due actions he did in-game that i witnessed.
  28. Twitty

    Twitty breaking FearRP

    your right it isn't real life but its still serious RP and requires real life tatics. And like i have said before cops are trained in this and have a gun equipped at all times.
  29. Twitty

    Twitty breaking FearRP

    If your using teamspeak to tell other people what your going to be doing then yes its metagame. and if you don't know anything about the situation that happened you shouldn't be able to give an opinion about unless you were there considering i didn't pull out my pistol i had it out already. and...
  30. Twitty

    Twitty breaking FearRP

    Cause im just saying if i didn't get stuck it could have played out differently. and i didn't start shooting until i was unstuck from the car.