Im so done of this server

Yeah alot of people often complain about the adminstration going on, on the server... and I feel the exact same way as you do, there's a bunch of unanswered applications for example,
The admin team just dont work hard enough...

But hopefully it will change once the new admin team gets more experienced with different siturations.
C2W said:
Yeah alot of people often complain about the adminstration going on, on the server... and I feel the exact same way as you do, there's a bunch of unanswered applications for example,
The admin team just dont work hard enough...

But hopefully it will change once the new admin team gets more experienced with different siturations.
I cant do much -.-
It's not that the admin team doesn't work that hard, there is just never an admin on. If Luke would actually start accepting or denying applications then there might be more admins on. I've been waiting 4 weeks to get my helper application accepted or denied...

I also don't see why you are quitting, I recently posted a topic that I was going to quit, but I didn't. I've met a lot of great guys on the server, I've had wonderful times as well, and I didn't want that to end.
Frosty said:
It's not that the admin team doesn't work that hard, there is just never an admin on. If Luke would actually start accepting or denying applications then there might be more admins on. I've been waiting 4 weeks to get my helper application accepted or denied...

I also don't see why you are quitting, I recently posted a topic that I was going to quit, but I didn't. I've met a lot of great guys on the server, I've had wonderful times as well, and I didn't want that to end.
At least you haven't been waiting 1 month +, so yeah.
Robert_Kingston;n8869 said:
im really done now

If you believe that there is a problem with the administration of the server, you need to make someone appropriate aware of that; you have done that now be creating this thread, however, if you are leaving, I do not see why you created the thread as it implies that you do not intend on actually leaving.

Frosty;n8949 said:
I've been waiting 4 weeks to get my helper application accepted or denied...

Your application was denied 2 weeks ago:
Luke;n9099 said:
If you believe that there is a problem with the administration of the server, you need to make someone appropriate aware of that; you have done that now be creating this thread, however, if you are leaving, I do not see why you created the thread as it implies that you do not intend on actually leaving.

Your application was denied 2 weeks ago:

I agree with frosty, im sorry to say Luke but you don't accept enough applications, mine has been up for 4 weeks now and i have no reply