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  1. obidan66

    So did you technically.

    So did you technically.
  2. obidan66

    Agreed. It is petty, simply repaying the favor. And all his butt buddies come running.

    Agreed. It is petty, simply repaying the favor. And all his butt buddies come running.
  3. obidan66

    Paralake Partnership

    @Max Even though your message appears to no longer be here, Id like to answer your message. Firstly, I hate to use the "You haven't been here long enough to know better" card, but I really can't begin with anything else. Paralake Partnership which was founded in 2014 for the first time, set...
  4. obidan66

    Server Suggestion Remove ability to cancel reload anim before new round is fed

    Kind of a minor and avoidable issue to be honest, but I can see how it could sometimes be frustrating. I'd personally rather see the Developers working on deeper issues that require solving.
  5. obidan66

    Server Suggestion Change the Micro Dot

    Extremely minor and redundant in my opinion. Waste of resources that could be better allocated elsewhere.
  6. obidan66

    Server Suggestion Food, cooking and drugs expansion.

    Massive +1 once again, this ties perfectly to another suggestion of mine, both these should be thoroughly looked into... Soon.
  7. obidan66

    Model Suggestion More alcohol + stilling + Moonshine

    PS: as a side note I have a few key changes Id like to suggest. 1. Bourbon is whiskey, but it's just a special kind of whiskey, just like Scotch is whiskey too. 2. The longer it ages in a barrel, the higher the price should be. The ingredients from which it is made are also a factor of...
  8. obidan66

    Model Suggestion More alcohol + stilling + Moonshine

    +1 I support this so much! There are barely any legal opportunities for actual civilians who don't want to work in a job. This is also a must from an RP standpoint and would perfectly tie to my other suggestion that I made 2 YEARS ago... ...
  9. obidan66

    The layers of the dispatch office

    Give this map a roleplay award. This shit slaps.
  10. obidan66

    Drug overhaul

    I am absolutely 100% in favor of anything that contributes to a more active Roleplay-heavy approach to the criminal playstyle. We don't need AFK growing/grinding that provides 0 RP value to anyone.
  11. obidan66

    Christmas Update Log (Decal update) - 24/12/2021

    Why no suit jacket decals? That's like the most important one...
  12. obidan66

    Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

    Lmao, Benj. You've given support to this idea a year and a half ago when I first posted it. But thanks anyway. :D
  13. obidan66

    Rise of Evil: The Prequel & Sequel to Dropped My ESP

    Very nice indeed, love the editing. What a trip of nostalgia that was. Let me bless this thread with a nice screenshot from the good ol' days. (Couldn't find my own so this one is courtesy of @EVIL)
  14. obidan66


    The true story behind the video is that they are squatting in that house because they can't afford to buy it and the cop is there to take a statement from everyone who squatted there because someone reported it as a public disturbance. EDIT: The car is a rental and the rings are plastic.
  15. obidan66

    The PH Fixers

    You son of a bitch... I'm in. - Eddie Grey
  16. obidan66

    Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

    Thanks for your input and your ideas. I like certain properties having exclusive options, that's a neat idea.
  17. obidan66

    Update Log - 17/04/2021 "Community Update"

    Finally a good taste in music... Excellent choice.
  18. obidan66

    Make the server name look better (there's a typo)

    I absolutely agree, however... I can't abide by seeing Perpheads in full caps. Definitely not a fan of that one.
  19. obidan66


    @Clarky In the end, we're all human and even the nicest people can meet their limits and go off. Pretty sure we've all been there one way or another. Asking for an explanation in my opinion is redundant. These things happen, it's in our nature.
  20. obidan66


    I'd like to extend my recommendation to @MohRox also known as John Panvinski. This guy is one of the most genuinely nice and most caring people I've met on the server. Always going out of his way to help out a fellow man, teach a new player and show them the ropes and even help them get started...
  21. obidan66


    So since the last thread died after my glorious visage was posted on it... I'm gonna test it and see if this thread breaks because of me again.
  22. obidan66

    [SFM Poster] Skyline

    Gotta love it. A nice suit... A lit cigar... Overlooking the city. Just perfect.
  23. obidan66

    Forums and Discord Update - 17/02/2021

    Love the update, however, I kinda wish you chose different colors... All of them are so pale and bleak. You could have gone for literally anything else that's a little more distinct and colorful. Even go for a classic like bronze, silver, and gold which would really make it a lot more...
  24. obidan66


    Since I've posted one of these all the way back in 2015, I've decided I should maybe do an update on that... So I'm just gonna leave this here.
  25. obidan66

    Server Suggestion increase bank transfer limit

    A quality of life suggestion, definitely something we should see more of.
  26. obidan66

    1.2 explained and a guide on how to follow it.

    @John Daymon I was a bit of a cunt too tho. xD But yeah, I was always trying to be respectful when it came to OOC as long as OOCly I got the same respect back. A side note here: While I can understand why this rule was made, it also comes with a price... You can no longer realize a lot of...
  27. obidan66

    Poker Table Blinds

    Already a part of a different suggestion
  28. obidan66

    Poker Table Blinds

    Possibly, but that would as well move away from the current very realistic and somewhat more difficult version of the game and make it more arcade-y. That in my opinion would be a mistake.