Search results

  1. Kurze

    Action Request (jamiie)

    Can confirm, there was no reason for us to be bombed by these players.
  2. Kurze

    Tryout for Olympic Throwing

    @Ultimate and you say my nades are bad
  3. Kurze

    Ban Apology (SamSN)

    You were banned by SamSM for 3 days, might wanna change up ur apology! Check scambans:
  4. Kurze


    Welcome ! :D
  5. Kurze

    Server Suggestion Make the wrench a defensive tool

    Suggestion Title: Make the wrench a defensive tool Suggestion Description: The wrench currently only repairs cars even though it could be used as a defensive weapon like the fire axe. Why should this be added?: - Makes the wrench actually useful as a realistic tool - Able to defend yourself...
  6. Kurze

    Final Goodbye

    Honestly take a break from social media and take a break from negativity, that also means perp as we all know can get rather toxic from time to time. In the end your mental health matters and nothing else, dont let anyone bully you into thinking you aint worth something. Stay strong and once...
  7. Kurze

    Taking a long break

    Flugs already summed it up, however dont let anything take you down. Keep your head up and make sure you talk to people! Dont simply sit around and wait for it to pass because it wont. Seek out help and talk with friends. If you ever need to talk about it, feel free to message me.
  8. Kurze

    Car Meet 13/05/2022

    Wheres my car!!!
  9. Kurze

    Action Request (Lil Sam)

    Your Steam Name: Kurze Your Roleplay Name: Elijah Brown Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19396368 Player's Steam Name: Lil Sam Player's Roleplay Name: Sam Arnolds Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97474497 Why should this player be punished?: User broke 3.4 when being told to put their hands up, user...
  10. Kurze


    Some great content early in the morning!
  11. Kurze

    Action Request (Kurze)

    As you can see in my clip you didn't say anything until you shot me down already. You also GP'd me in a front of an open area. 5.1 states "Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public. Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint...
  12. Kurze

    No shot, how dare they!

    No shot, how dare they!
  13. Kurze

    The new 1.2 rule. Lets talk.

  14. Kurze

    Regarding 1.2 (Discrimination)

    Being called an old geezer is a big no-no? Eh? I'm not saying that this isn't a good thing for perp but a guideline of what staff see as "discrimination" would be awesome.
  15. Kurze

    New law: Tickets 5.7

    Thing is though, currently, only supervisors can take back the tickets. Not officers. If they keep the ticket officers cant deal out another ticket for another law unless the current ticket is already paid for. Creating a law like this requires them to pay the ticket or they go for a jail...
  16. Kurze

    New law: Tickets 5.7

    Is this a new law or a change to current law: New law What law do you wish to change/add: Adding the law "5.7 Paying tickets in due time" Why should this change/addition be made: Often people walk around with big tickets and just don't pay them. When giving them another ticket it just doesn't...
  17. Kurze

    Minor phone bug

    Type of bug: phone(content?) Description of the bug: Phone continues to call after pressing it away. How to reproduce the bug: Call someone, press T to make the phone go away. grab it back call someone else and the call will still connect to the other person you called the first time. Time...
  18. Kurze

    Breaching idea's

    Raiding is apart of the server and people mostly complain about it. Now I think there should be more options to what you can do to breach a property. Currently, we have: Crowbar/bobby pin the door or bomb the door. Currently, bombing is the safest and best way to get in due to getting wall...
  19. Kurze

    RR @Blackdown

    Your in-game name: Elijah Brown Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:19396368 What do you need refunded: AK-47U full mag and stock. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: User broke server rules. Evidence:
  20. Kurze

    Why does perp seem so anti-growth?

    So sorry to hear this. I'm recently new myself and I've enjoyed the server a lot. Luckily for me, I have friends on the server who have played a lot so I wasn't in the same situation as you right now. However, I am fully willing to help you out on the server regarding basing and getting you...
  21. Kurze

    Police Suggestion Allow TFU to battering ram any door without having to be SGT+

    + TFU is a special section of the PLPD. They take over when they are at the scene of a shootout and thus should have the ability to breach down doors without a warrant. A certain trust is already placed with these TFU officers and they have had training on how to perform at these scenes. This...
  22. Kurze

    Heck yeah, Conyo did us a great favour right there. We had no problem with it at all!

    Heck yeah, Conyo did us a great favour right there. We had no problem with it at all!
  23. Kurze

    PERPHeads Rewind 2020

    I can't anymore, I am legit wheezing after seeing Jay Hatch's clips LMAO
  24. Kurze

    Good bye

    Don't think you comprehend how he is feeling. This is a clear "cry for help" he gave. Replying that he should handle it IC ain't gonna do it. People cant bully him for who he is. You shouldn't encourage him to basically telling him to "suck it up"
  25. Kurze

    Good bye

    Marcus/Marquees, man you shouldn't leave like this. You're a great guy and despite whatever you have or are going through this should be a safe place to be in. If not then please reach out to staff members or even a friend to make sure those who bully you get talked to. People try to get away...
  26. Kurze

    Ar on CapalotBlickyy

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Kurze / Elijah Brown His/Her Steam/In-game Name: CapalotBlickyy His/Her SteamID: - Unsure how to grab this from the server. Why Should This Player Be Punished:Liam Garcia was speeding multiple times and I had it on my speed camera so I went to confront him. He ended...
  27. Kurze

    Cops and rule 3.4

    I think you dont fully grasp the point. I was merely asking and trying to understand how it would not be 3.4.
  28. Kurze

    Cops and rule 3.4

    @flugs No I get your point and i understand! @The HitMan no, backing away and replanning would be the bet thing lol. They shouldn't of approached them in the first place
  29. Kurze

    Cops and rule 3.4

    I think it was fully unneeded, as a civ was also killed by this action.
  30. Kurze

    Cops and rule 3.4

    Dummy cant reply on a reply