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  1. orzel1244

    Ross Industries - Applications

    Steam name: orzel1244 Age: 19 (20 soon) Time played on server: 2 months IC Name: Mac Rosiak Phone number: 8046469 Transportation: Lamborghini Murcielago Cash: 200k + lot of materials Firearms: 125 Marksmanship: 100 rifle, 100 pistol, 100 shotgun, 100 smg Arsenal: m4, scar, mossberg, 10x...
  2. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    @Dom_ No, I had no direct info, letting him stay alive would be 3.4 as he would shoot me while I would shoot raiders
  3. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    Because I was part of the org day before this situation, and I don't like Bob much IC, and I keept contact with other members of his org, so if he would leave I would know that. Can you say, I could take out gun and start shooting raiders and not being killed by Bob? Do you really belive it?
  4. orzel1244

    Waypo Applications

    Name: Mac Rosiak Firearms Level: 125 Money in Bank: around 200k atm Estimated Asset worth in Inventory: Weps / Mats ~= 300k | Lamborghini Murcielago 2.4 mil | upgraded transit ~= 300k Have you signed up to the website? Yep Why would you like to join Waypo? No idea, for fun actually...
  5. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    I don't want to make it sounds like I killed him because he was following me, but you should understand that was the only thing I could do to save my friends, if I would just start sniping raiders, Im sure he would kille me, wont you agree? Would he just look how I'm killing his friends? That...
  6. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    Yeah, hurrying up teammates for raid, giving away info, and being ready with AK to KOS cops doesnt make you involved in raid, what does then?
  7. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    Also, you lied and there's proof: "go fucking raid it already" That's definitly "not assisting the raid"
  8. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    @Google Chrome Yeah, that's prove of cooperation with raiders. Yeah, but after GP I realised that I'm 100% right with my supposition. So I shooted you AFTER GP It's pretty clear for me, I know it's frustrating when you're losing without chance to fight and that's why you're pissed off, but...
  9. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    The thing is, he worked in this robbery as he said "I wanted to make sure that the police do not get involved" I don't think that's important, as we can see org chat, you with the ak looking at raid target, and non casual behav
  10. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    Well then you said Basicly you said you wasn't assisting, then you said you were giving info (as I thought), that's clear cooperation with raiders
  11. orzel1244

    AR on orzel

    Well, I don't think the 7 seconds is enough to show this situation. I was part of Katchin org, I know how you guys are raiding, and today I joined new org, I've seen you guys are looking around for raid, it was pretty obvious as you were driving around our base in 2 cars, 4 ppl in one and you...
  12. orzel1244

    Reward for more risk

    Hey, meth is profitable and risky, but what if you could get more drugs if most of the time the meth is at 190 degrees? It's way more risky, so it could be more profitable than keeping the temperature at 150 like pussy
  13. orzel1244

    Half Metal Price

    That would be great, as it could lower the crafting time which is shit
  14. orzel1244

    Half Metal Price

    rip then
  15. orzel1244

    Half Metal Price

    Bro, you're very bad at economy, your idea is like "Let's give people money so they wont be poor!". Many people likes how expensive weapons are, by stealing 2x m4's from raid you're getting more money than farming weed for 30 mins. I understand the problem about bazars, but if you want people to...
  16. orzel1244

    Waypo Applications

    Name: Mac Rosiak Firearms Level: 125 Money in Bank: around 100k atm Estimated Asset worth in Inventory: Weps ~= 200k | Lamborghini Murcielago 2.4 mil | upgraded transit ~= 300k Have you signed up to the website? Yep Why would you like to join Waypo? No idea, for fun actually
  17. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel

    Also, what were you thinking when you started random punching me? "Hmm, lets beat him up, ik he will not take gun out because that may be against the rules" you attacked me, so you died, guess what, if you wouldnt attack me, you wouldnt die
  18. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel

    Basicly, he started punching me, I said we can fight in another place and I don't want to fight in public, then he continued punching me, I've said that few times to stop punching me, and that we can move to better place, but he continued fighting me, I knew he had another wep on him, and he...
  19. orzel1244


    You can find ak 47 and mac 11 stocks, but not very offten, got like 10 stocks in total by earning 2.4 mil, also there's my spread sheet with calculations about profits, it shows it's more profitable than drugs...
  20. orzel1244

    2 tfu + 2 cops using pistol

    But after first situation when you respawned, you could go F3, check whos online, then F4 and give rest ppl access, anyway nobody is blaming you
  21. orzel1244

    2 tfu + 2 cops using pistol

    Yeah that was really sad, cuz I helped out 2 situations in slums and nobody gave me storeage access(its my org property), I would ez kill the last cop with more ammo (didnt realised I got 1 box of ammo at me, but would do it if I would check storage) but it was cool anyway, I'm hoping for more...
  22. orzel1244

    2 tfu + 2 cops using pistol

    True, cuz 1 tfu got killed with sako xD
  23. orzel1244

    2 tfu + 2 cops using pistol After this situation I have crafted 10 HK 45 CTs
  24. orzel1244

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam]

    It works now, just realised I runned plays after running game, restarted the game and it's fine
  25. orzel1244

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam] failed to record my 64 bit gmod, anyone got same issue?
  26. orzel1244

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam]

    Are you sure, you ran 64 bit version? Cuz you got 2 exe's in gmod folder
  27. orzel1244

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam]

    Next day I'll try to make more professional benchmarks with longer time, cuz 31 secs isnt much, today had not much time, but wanted to share it and hear about your experience
  28. orzel1244

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam]

    5-8 fps seems like just error margin, what cpu are you using? Mine is i3 4700
  29. orzel1244

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam]

    I just realised, there was 2 people more when I were testing 64 bit, and still better fps
  30. orzel1244

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam]

    Pretty sure you guys already know about r_3dsky, r_shadows and rest of these cmds which are usefull, but you may not know, you can change your game to work in 64 bit mode, here is my simple benchmark made on spawn with 39 and 41 players on 32 and 64 bits How do you enable 64 bit version? I...