AR on Orzel

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Aquaa / Trayvon Tay

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Orzel / Mac Rosiak ?

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39685259

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player broke rule 2.5 Excessive Negativity by committing actions that were excessively negative and weren't proportionate to what was presented. There was an altercation between us exchanging curse words and then we began fighting, he told me that it will be a 1v1 and no weapons but he wants to do it somewhere private so he doesn't get caught by police. The fight continued until he unholstered a firearm, and in response I of course backed up but he killed me anyways. I feel that the smarter thing to do was to gunpoint me instead of killing me which is what blew the situation out of proportion. There was a similar situation that occurred yesterday in which he killed me whilst I was unarmed after punching him a few times, @Gimic was in the sit and we came to a consensus that a verbal would be appropriate because he understood and was apologetic however I do not see him learning from his mistakes because not even 24 hours later he has done something similar. He claims that he killed me because I continued punching him under gunpoint but as you can see in the video, that was not the case. He also claimed that I was doing a severe amount of damage which is also falsified, I have 1 strength and punched him 5 times in total which would bring him to Slightly injured (Tested this with @Collier by punching him 5 times in the head)

I was there, they also didnt even deal with the NPC at storage nor the one in Freddy's bakery and I am willing to provide demo's for this if staff want it. Just lemme know.
Basicly, he started punching me, I said we can fight in another place and I don't want to fight in public, then he continued punching me, I've said that few times to stop punching me, and that we can move to better place, but he continued fighting me, I knew he had another wep on him, and he were with friend, so I decided to take out gun and shoot him down (baseball bat got dropped from him), I decided to end him up, because it was more safety for me, than letting him survive.
Basicly, he started punching me, I said we can fight in another place and I don't want to fight in public, then he continued punching me, I've said that few times to stop punching me, and that we can move to better place, but he continued fighting me, I knew he had another wep on him, and he were with friend, so I decided to take out gun and shoot him down (baseball bat got dropped from him), I decided to end him up, because it was more safety for me, than letting him survive.

You were fighting back half the time though, and you never said to stop once iirc.... but unfortunately my recording software doesn't pick up sound when im recording gmod. Lets say that you did tell me to stop, why not just gunpoint me? I still believe killing me and ending me is way too excessive even if you hypothetically told me to stop.
Also, what were you thinking when you started random punching me? "Hmm, lets beat him up, ik he will not take gun out because that may be against the rules" you attacked me, so you died, guess what, if you wouldnt attack me, you wouldnt die
Also, what were you thinking when you started random punching me? "Hmm, lets beat him up, ik he will not take gun out because that may be against the rules" you attacked me, so you died, guess what, if you wouldnt attack me, you wouldnt die
Because you rolled up talking smack, I asked you something along the lines of "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" and you said "Not you, you fucking bitch" or something like that. Go review your demos or your If you didn't start talking shit we wouldn't have gotten into a fight, if you never joined perp this wouldn't have happened - That argument is pointless and you are failing to address my reply. You never once told me to stop and like I just said, you're not replying anything constructive right now and it would be great if you could address my rebuttal.
I believe you called him a bitch or a pussy which initiated him getting in your face, demos cant show it though so unless someone got a recording no way to prove that.
User will be spoken to about their actions
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