Search results

  1. orzel1244

    Freestyle rapping @Pat Coleman
  2. orzel1244

    RR for AK101 + EOTech + compensator + Mag

    Your in-game name: Mac Rosiak Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39685259 What do you need refunded: AK101 + EOTech + compensator + Mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I've lost is because other player broke rules Evidence: Tick:
  3. orzel1244

    The HitMan broke 3.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Mac Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: The HitMan Callum Byford His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97141976 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He clearly broke 3.4, I were gunpointing him, IRL I would be able to just shoot at the window, but it's only game so the...
  4. orzel1244

    Cya Boys I'll miss accidently shooting at you XD (old vid) @Shay I think you'll miss dying aswell
  5. orzel1244


    Rip, sadly I'm not native xd
  6. orzel1244


    Lol love you guys <3
  7. orzel1244

    Halloween Giveaway

  8. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

    Then if you were informing him why did you run back and killed him instead of trying to explaining him Because of rules, rules force me to follow the situation and solve it IC, so I solved it by killing him
  9. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

    Did not user LOOC to avoid it, used it to inform your friend he's breaking rules, same way as he informed me about breaking rules when I were crafting in public, then I knew I should store my stove.
  10. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

    He's not, but he's trying to show you how hypocrytic you are, mugging in public isnt allowed
  11. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

    Btw, I wonder how your friend knew about killing you, cuz later he opened fire at me. May admin look at it aswell?
  12. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

    1. The knife wasnt on my neck, the thing you're trying to do is power gamming 2. As knife isnt very strong weapon, and I had really big chances of surviving, I decided to fight and I've survived, you didnt even stab me, that's the best proof I wasnt in danger 3. The main reason why I did it is...
  13. orzel1244

    Quinten 3.4

    I'll be done when admin will accept / deny it
  14. orzel1244

    Quinten 3.4

    Well, from roleplay server I'm expecting.. hmm.. let's guess, roleplay? Getting killed in middle of woods fishing without hearing something more than "Hello can you please.." seems to be non-rp
  15. orzel1244

    Quinten 3.4

    I died many times from yesterday, as far as I know, you can't do org wars and kos someone just because he's part of org which did something bad to you another day.
  16. orzel1244

    Quinten 3.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Quinten / Quinten Clarksen His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52382835 Why Should This Player Be Punished: It looks like he just shooted me without reason, I took out the phone before he took out the gun, then he decided to...
  17. orzel1244

    Remove body/DNA using acid

    You may take it from storage, and it could be heavy, or even act like weapon.
  18. orzel1244

    Remove body/DNA using acid

    Yeah, burning building is more realistic than using acid.
  19. orzel1244

    Remove body/DNA using acid

    It could work only for dead body, lol. Same for guns "We don't need shootings like irl"
  20. orzel1244

    Remove body/DNA using acid

    You could use it, then start escaping, I said it takes like 40 secs to "plant" it, then it works by itself, you can escape after the 40 secs and hope nobody wil find the body in acid before 2 mins
  21. orzel1244

    Remove body/DNA using acid

    Hey, you propably remember scene of removing body from Breaking Bad, as people can use molotovs to remove dna, it would be great to use some kind of acid, sometimes you can't use molotov, and it's not so realistic to burn place just to get rid of DNA, you may be able to craft acid which you can...
  22. orzel1244

    Make firefighter job profitable

    Hey, I've got idea how to make people want to play as firefighter, what's the reason because people don't want to play as firefighters? There's nothing happening, you have to wait so long for fire and you earn shit money, you can't earn more for single fire because people could abuse it and make...
  23. orzel1244

    here's one of examples:

    here's one of examples:
  24. orzel1244


    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DB KILLER / Dylan Rusell His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51492557 Why Should This Player Be Punished: I just eneted the server, there was no reason to do something bad about me, but the guy started blocking my way out of...
  25. orzel1244

    AR on Grant Pressman

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555 / Grant Pressman His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33130062 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He clearly broke 3.4, also, there was my friend behind me with gun in hands, so he had really low chances...
  26. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    Yeah I don't expect getting attacked by 3 random people which acciedntly goes into mine opened apartament - that's called RP, don't expect everyone is criminal and everyone gonna kill you. I can't shot you if you don't have weapon, even if you're transpassing, the only case when I can shot...
  27. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    I don't care about you with your gun, I care about him risking his life too much which is breaking of 3.4, can't you agree, if he wouldn't rush me with knife, I could propably win fight against you and the other person? Breaking 3.4 is big advantage, I could do it aswell, in first...
  28. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    The report isn't focussed on you, so the only thing you do now, is trying to defend your friend which broke rule.
  29. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    Why did you said "He"? I've found out you're Lebron Lee, it seems like you want to make like "Oh I'm not this guy, but this guy did nothing wrong, I'm just random person" Which is kind of funny xd
  30. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    Stop being such a dickhead, its non of your business, it's case betwean me, Lebron and Admins