Search results

  1. moD

    AR on @Jammi and @Nade

    I think it's quite obvious that Jamal broke 3.4 by killing me when he stole my car in the 4th incident. I think that the punishment is based off of what you decide. Obviously, the 2.5 situation is up for discussion, but for me personally I just felt that it became an ongoing IC meme to break...
  2. moD

    AR on @Jammi and @Nade

    All due respect, I really don't think the point of stealing someone's car is to start a shootout. I think they implemented the mechanic to actually be able to steal other people's cars to escape a crime scene w/ it and confuse officers. Clearly, as you've said Jammi has been doing this to start...
  3. moD

    AR on @Jammi and @Nade

    Husky come on. They've tried or have taken my car 4 times in 2 days. Out of those 4 times, they've used my Tesla once. This is clearly an excuse to try and bait me to act icly in some way. @Bean Can is a completely different story. If I was an easy raid and I had something to lose that another...
  4. moD

    AR on @Jammi and @Nade

    As I said I don't think staff actually realized what you'd been doing so I thought I'd upload the demos just to be safe.
  5. moD

    AR on @Jammi and @Nade

    Your Steam/In-game Name: _moD / Jerry Cornelli His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jammi and Nade His/Her SteamID: Nade: STEAM_0:0:76440963 Jammi: STEAM_0:1:53115398 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 and 3.4 Both of these players have been actively targeting me. They've tried and steal my car on 4...
  6. moD

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    I know this has probably suggested but I find rn what's lacking in the gamemode is that the only way to make serious money is by staying in a base for 2 hours straight and just power growing. I feel like w/ the new revamp on orgs, turfs should also be introduced that reward organizations...
  7. moD

    sleep time

    sleep time
  8. moD

    ar on dai

    I'd just like to say under all this toxicity, Dai can actually be a decent dude. Clearly the guy has issues. I just wanted him to apologize to me in ooc after he did this and as you can see he was being blatantly toxic trying to trigger me, just like he's trying to do in this AR by posting...
  9. moD

    ar on dai

    I don't understand your point I still told you not to move about 4 million times before you ran past me and pulled out a gun. Edit: I play on 130 ping constant so when I try and talk in game it's always delayed by a few seconds.
  10. moD

    ar on dai

    Your Steam/In-game Name: _moD / Jerry Cornelli His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dai His/Her SteamID: N/A Why Should This Player Be Punished: I don't post ARs usually for small things like this. Mistakes can happen and that's fine. I'm just making this due to the fact that Dai chose to be blatantly...
  11. moD

    Servants Of Jesus application

    OOC Information Steam name: _moD Age: 22 Playtime: 1 month 2 days IC Information Name: Jerry Cornelli Current Balance: 5$ not even joking Car(s): tesla upgraded x1 Favourite Weapon(s): ak101 Previous organizations: teletubbies Skills/Talents: shooting n shit Reason for joining?: why the fuck...
  12. moD

    5.56 Nerf Removal Suggestion Post

    +support would be nice to see m4s used a tad more
  13. moD

    Olsen Applications

    ur funny
  14. moD

    Olsen Applications

    In-game name: Jerry Cornelli OOC name: _moD Why would you like to join?: I'd like to join Olsen as I believe it's one of the best orgs to be in right now due to all the active and experienced players. PERP isn't as much fun to play if you aren't in a decent sized org and I believe joining the...
  15. moD

    Breaking News!

    what the fuck
  16. moD

    AR on Daigestive

    I was the one who killed you in the first clip along with Dai. You blatantly drove into him and almost t1'd my tesla in the process. It's quite evident that you didn't lag whatsoever and you clearly just drove into him to piss him off.
  17. moD

    144hz vs 60hz

    alright I think I'm going to invest in a new monitor. thanks guys
  18. moD

    144hz vs 60hz

    i was looking at computer hardware recently and found out that my monitor runs at 60hz. i've never played on 144hz before and was wondering if there is a huge difference in actual gameplay? i also wanna know how this affects perp and csgo in particular as those are the only two games i mainly...
  19. moD

    Husky's re-introduction

    welcome back dude
  20. moD

    A formal Office Raid

    ur mouse movement and tracking when you lock onto someone is v odd. really looks like ur cheating buddy not gonna lie.
  21. moD

    A formal Office Raid

    big facts
  22. moD

    Brikaas's Birthday Giveaway!

    73 and happy birth again
  23. moD

    Perp but irl

    i met some guy on the server and found out we live 5 minutes from each other. the topic of drugs came up and we decided to discuss it in ooc. maybe this guy came off as a bit arrogant but frankly i know a lot of people who do shit like this around my neighborhood and this is really common place...
  24. moD

    Brikaas's Birthday Giveaway!

    4 happy birth
  25. moD

    AR on Billy Savery

    Your Steam/In-game Name: moD/ Calogero Cornelli His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Billy Savery / N/A His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:077689301 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4. I instructed the player multiple times to not move, he decided to move behind cover. I still had him gunpointed and he very...
  26. moD

    PERPHeads Staff Team Easter Giveaway

    hi id like to enter
  27. moD

    AR on Bobo

    Your Steam/In-game Name: moD His/Her Steam/In-game Name: bobo His/Her SteamID: N/A Why Should This Player Be Punished: Blatantly vdm'd. He claimed that this was an accident but I don't really see how accelerating into me backs this claim up. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: N/A
  28. moD

    AR on Kabuso

    @D3V fixed the quality issue
  29. moD

    Ar on aids base

    @S2B3 Gamma That would be pointless for 2 reasons. A: Your friend is a sweater, I doubt he cares if he gets banned or not. B: You got back your M4 from this. He didn't take it and use it after this raid, he gave it back to you. I'm trying to showcase that with the video and it directly ties...
  30. moD

    AR on Kabuso

    Your Steam/In-game Name: [ITA] mod His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kabuso His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:466465229 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 pretty blatantly. I can reupload it if the quality is shit. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: N/A