144hz vs 60hz


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i was looking at computer hardware recently and found out that my monitor runs at 60hz. i've never played on 144hz before and was wondering if there is a huge difference in actual gameplay? i also wanna know how this affects perp and csgo in particular as those are the only two games i mainly play now a days. thanks!
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Theres a huge diffrence between 60hz and 144hz, everything is smoother and feels better to play.
It can really help improve your aim in csgo, havent gotten to try on perp due to potato pc not reaching 144fps there...
There's a huge difference, as 144hz monitor can have a 1ms response time (which is faster than most monitors). Personally, I have a 240hz monitor and it's way better than 60hz. For a ton of reasons. I or anyone else that upgraded to 144/240hz can never go back to 60hz. Unless their PC can't get over 60 fps..

It will improve your aim on CS:GO and Perp, if you get over 144hz. If you don't, you're better off upgrading your pc and then getting a new monitor, if you don't have enough money. It's definitely worth getting a 144hz monitor.
I made this video way back in case someone did ask about 60 vs 144hz. The 144hz is way better you have more control and better reaction time when it comes to aiming.

The 60hz is at the beginning of the video notice how theres a lot of vertical cutting and black cuts on the screen. It makes the game look bad awful.
>wants to show 144hz vs 60hz
>uploads 30fps video
After 240hz 60hz gives me eye cancer, please do invest in a 144hz monitor.
alright I think I'm going to invest in a new monitor. thanks guys
I bought the BenQ xl2546 my brother has the alienware AW2518H and I prefer the BenQ one bro
I have a 120hz and even with normal browsing it looks beautiful. Make sure you can actually achieve those framerates though in games.

People here claiming 60hz causes tearing have obviously not heard of v sync or capping their fps
@Sneaky uhhhhh wdym? i bought my 240hz monitor for the same price as a regular 144hz benq monitor lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and the colors on the AW are better imo

@NeluDaHunter it really depends on what you're doing and what you're looking for in a monitor... its very subjective but heres a fact ^ ^ ^