Ar on aids base

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I don't see what your point is with these two videos. You literally just finished bombing our base, obviously the props are going to be all over the base lmao. I find it pretty funny how in the second video you guys raided with an m4 and after you finished dying there was no m4 to be found. There's two entrances to the base, this base is 100% legal.

YAY I FOUND OUT WHY THE M4 IS MISSING! And also before you say that he crashed, how convenient that he crashes in a corner when he knows I'm about to chase him down right after I see him.

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@moD how the fuck is the base not aganist the rules? Your props are directing us through 1 fucking metal detector, what the fuck do you mean? Look at your fucking base when it wasn't bombed when I attempted to raid and I was didn't even know what the fuck was going on cause of ur shit, look at ur defense too, your barricade is legit making us goto the right too

@A1L my org member put down that prop and after that raid I realized it was there and asked him to remove it. It was only there for that one raid you guys did and I didn't have the chance to remove it because you guys were raiding us. I have literally copied the whole base layout from lolis, admins have checked it and approved of it.

We broke one rule by accident and corrected on it, it was not intentional by any means. You guys on the other hand were clearly breaking the rules as shown by my video.

I was the one who killed both of you guys as I peaked from the barricade, you didn't see me and I baited my teammate.
What do you mean I was breaking rules? I didn't break one rule at all unless you're talking about the other people since I only raided once and I'm not in your video at all.
Well the person in my video obviously grabbed weapons from the raid after dying with the intent to return them to their owners, knowing that he was breaking the rules. I grouped you up with them because I assumed you were also involved in the other raids that happened afterwards, if you weren't that's fine. I just don't appreciate you guys acting like angels when in reality you guys broke just as many, if not more rules than we did.
@moD Didn't even knew this AR was made, only commenting on it since I was involved with one of the raids after the restart (10 minutes after the restart if you look at the end of my video), Only reason I was pissed was cause of that prop movement, however not my intention to even make an AR on you.
@S2B3 Gamma To be honest you came back willingly to our base and actually told us when you were coming, so the fact that you were annoyed of dying 3 times is on you, We fixed the short wooden fence after raid 1 because we realized we can't do that, but you guys still decided to come back. again. You used c4 and all our props flew everywhere. And One of you I think it was Frankie who stated how he just lost his last M4 to us (in ooc) yet non of us looted an M4. We only found pistols. You guys lost 3 raids and made an AR. We had 2 entrances 1 was illegal for 1 raid, but we corrected our mistake once it was done. It's against rules to move props during a raid so we had to wait for it to finish.
as you can see above the only reason I ever died was because of your base, I personally only died 2 times and both were due to your base, 1 death clip is seen above, and as seen above I had a M4.
Alright so from what I understand you think that the inside of our base is what the problem is, so the best solution is to wait for an admin to come to a decision on that. From my experience, I've copied the base from megalolis as I've based with them once or twice at parker, and I've had an admin check the base once and he said everything was fine. Best bet is to wait for the admin to come to a decision.

My question to you is; where is the M4 then? Clearly your co-raider, or whatever you wanna' call him, took it and disconnected to avoid being mugged back for it. He broke several rules just in that one action; he returned to a raid after he died and he avoided an rp situation by disconnecting.
Ok I see why you think this, but I died in the middle of your base so either your guys are blind or he did not have the m4
@S2B3 Gamma I mean it's in the video I posted. I don't understand how an m4 just disappears and how coincidentally your co raider broke a rule to head back into our base after I killed him and when I'm about to confront him about it he dc's, all the while you claimed that he crashed when it's clear he disconnected from the game.
@S2B3 Gamma That would be pointless for 2 reasons.

A: Your friend is a sweater, I doubt he cares if he gets banned or not.
B: You got back your M4 from this. He didn't take it and use it after this raid, he gave it back to you. I'm trying to showcase that with the video and it directly ties with this AR.
The base is definitely on the aids side however there is no way to know who owns the props and as such it is not worth the effort, As for the gun going missing ItzGaz will be receiving a punishment as it is clear from the video and the logs that he disconnected purposely to save the weapon which he later returned to Frankie. Also if you knew it was breaking the rules you should contact a staff member not just go back and try again to complain when you lose to it.
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