Search results

  1. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    unfortunately the pack was decided upon mate its direwolf20 1.12
  2. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    its what i hosted about a year-year and a half ago before the lets build paralake thing was even a glimmer in its fathers eye
  3. attacker1983

    lets build paralake

    Is there a 24/7 server for this if not i can host one on a slightly different port if anyone wants to join the direwolf20 modded server it will be live on the same IP as this just need to msg on the post for being whitelisted
  4. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    server will open at 4-5pm GMT
  5. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    the modpack decided upon was direwolf20 1.12 version all interested parties please make applications stating your mincraft name so you can be whitelisted (a discord server will also be provided)
  6. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    confused by the need to comment that
  7. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    the modpack will be chosen (if enough votes) by 5pm GMT today
  8. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    credit goes to @ShadowJoey for most of the rules and anyone mentioned in his post for the tekkit server important information for the server. you do not need a team to play however you can team if you chose to do so, there is no limit to the size of teams. there is no end to the server for...
  9. attacker1983

    The "state" of perpheads

    This is my personal opinions the rules are far TOO strict so everyone plays in constant fear my suggestion kind of make a streamlined version of the rules where instead of being so strict theres a little bit more room to RP
  10. attacker1983

    The "state" of perpheads

    The whole point of this post is to give the owners/staff Constructive feedback aswell as list common issues you have
  11. attacker1983

    The "state" of perpheads

    So as of recent i have noticed many things that i think are contributing to the "shit state of perpheads" and i have decided to make a post to get peoples opinions on what could be done to fix and what they feel is wrong with the state of perpheads as im going to be making a suggestion thread...
  12. attacker1983

    3.9 Placing Props

    Your Steam/In-game Name: morgan matheson/attacker1983 His/Her Steam/In-game Name:george wolff/ fatgeorge His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.9 Placing Props Evidence (Demo Required): doesnt seem like it would...
  13. attacker1983

    Big loss in players?

    when i first broke down was no RC
  14. attacker1983

    Big loss in players?

    so your telling me a "supervisor" situation is more important than a mother fucking car stranded in the highway causing a risk to road users lives? and why did it require 2 supervisors especially when one of them was a captain im fairly sure
  15. attacker1983

    Big loss in players?

    I dont make petty AR's, ill make an AR for slander and from my experience both on duty and off all the cops like to do is drive around ignore 911 calls unless it is to do with a raid i mean shit i was sat at the intersection for a good solid 5 minutes (outta fuel) before a cop so much as...
  16. attacker1983

    Server Events - 28/04/2018

    inb4 server is dead at the time of events
  17. attacker1983

    Whats with the recent AR's?

    was pointing out im not the pettiest
  18. attacker1983

    Whats with the recent AR's?

    i mean im not theres the guy who made an AR more petty than mine cause i made the AR on him
  19. attacker1983

    Whats with the recent AR's?

    i would like to point out it took 30 sec
  20. attacker1983

    Whats with the recent AR's?

    i posted the AR as i had prior tried to explain the issue and he refused to listen maybe know all the facts mate
  21. attacker1983

    Whats with the recent AR's?

    was there a need to name drop?
  22. attacker1983

    Infinity War (Spoilers)

  23. attacker1983

    AR on CrixxzeH`

    however seeing my perspective (when you had your back turned to me) you can see that you were still at GP and you could have simply denied me the search
  24. attacker1983

    Whats with the recent AR's?

    i mean my AR wasnt to get him banned it was so he learnt that it wasnt a realistic advert and is technically 3.4 as the police would be able to call the place that ran the advert and attempt to arrest him
  25. attacker1983

    AR on CrixxzeH`

    Your Steam/In-game Name:attacker1983/morgan matheson His/Her Steam/In-game Name:CrixxzeH` His/Her SteamID: unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished:3.4 pulled an AK on a cop and mowed them down while still at GP from said officer Evidence (Demo Required): (dont question the fact the gun got...
  26. attacker1983

    AR on ?

    Your Steam/In-game Name: attacker1983/Morgan Matheson His/Her Steam/In-game Name:? maybe tadgee His/Her SteamID:? Why Should This Player Be Punished: unrealistic advert and technically 3.4 Evidence (Demo Required): +logs of around...
  27. attacker1983

    ark survival evolved server

    most people seem to be voting no so looks like i wont bother
  28. attacker1983

    ark survival evolved server

    Would any of you guys be interested in playing on a "perpheads" ark survival evolved server if i was to set it up the only rule would be no cheating/glitching
  29. attacker1983

    Where have i been

    Hey everyone just thought i would make a forum post to save me explaining to everyone individually where i have been for the last month. To start the month i went on holiday for a couple of family members birthdays (most of my family met up) we went out for drinks, a meal and the usual stuff...
  30. attacker1983

    off i go - read desc

    wait who are you? edit: oh nvm i just realised who it is see ya