Infinity War (Spoilers)

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So I saw Avengers: Infinity War yesterday and I thought it was the best move I have ever seen, period.
Out of all the people who died, I didn't expect Scarlet witch AND Vision to both die, I was expecting one to die (Probably Vision) and the other to be all sad and shit and want revenge against Thanos. I also didn't expect the entire Guardians of the Galaxy to die, like all of them. The other minor deaths like bucky and falcon were a bit meh but I found them pointless. Doctor Strange's death was also unexpected. Gamoras death by Thanos to get the Soul stone was legit sad, it made me feel sad for Thanos because he genuinely loved her. People kept saying that Ironman was going to die so when he got stabbed it was really intense, another intense moment was when Scarlet Witch destroyed the Mind stone but Thanos brought it back with the Time Stone.
All the fight scenes were great and well choreographed, the 2 that stand out to me were the train station fight in Ireland (I think) because when Captain America, Falcon and Blackwidow come out they completely kick ass. The other good fight scene was at Wakanda, especially with Thor getting his new axe called the storm breaker, he was really powerful since he managed to strike a blow against Thanos when he had the FULL INFINITY GAULENT.
The after credit scene teased Captain Marvel so I don't know how to feel about that since I haven't seen anything of her, hopefully, shes really good.
I was wondering what you guys thought about it?
Doctor Strange probably had a reason to save Stark, as he has seen several versions of the future. With this knowledge, he probably saved Tony knowing that he would play a vital role in defeating Thanos. Tbf it was Quill's fault they all died as the Gauntlet had almost been removed from Thanos fully.
I was really surprised that it ended with Thanos winning and half the cast dying.

Thor OP.

The fight scenes in Edinburgh were amazing, especially because they took place in the train station I used to use every day.

I think all the people who died will all come back as a few of them have planned movies (Spiderman Homecoming 2, Guardians 3 etc). Most of those who survived are the OGs who have already had their own trilogies.