Search results

  1. Feras

    My country's celebration GIVEAWAY!!!

    @Wiki 13 is already picked </3
  2. Feras

    My country's celebration GIVEAWAY!!!

    its already picked @Hendricks
  3. Feras

    My country's celebration GIVEAWAY!!!

    $$$Giveaway Time$$$ There is going to be a giveaway, Celebrating the National Day of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is going to be a slot of 50 people, once it gets full, soon the results will come out. 1st= 150,000 2nd= 75,000 3rd= 50,000 ===This is how it works=== I will make a video...
  4. Feras

    A discussion about the server's strictness over the years.

    I think that they should make a Template about bans, let me give you an example RDM first time offence 1 day ban| 2nd offence of RDM 5 day ban ETC. 3.4 first time offence 2 Day ban | 2nd offence 5 day ban ETC You get the picture... and no this is not a suggestion this is an opinion please...
  5. Feras

    Dropped My ESP | Tyla Jai Ban Explanation

    Tyla was 1 of the best people in this community, and this is so sad to see one of the best people in here gone </3, this is from my personal opinion, he desirves another chance, for many reasons, he helped the PLPD a lot,he made badges for the police officers, he has brought many people in this...
  6. Feras

    Back To School Giveaway -175k Giveaway

    Name:Feras Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86837910 Number : 8
  7. Feras

    Server Events: 8th & 9th September

    what time zone?
  8. Feras

    Guide to not get shot by an officer

    Introduction There are a lot of people who are getting shot by police officers for nothing, but in the officer's perspective he is dangerous. so this is a guide on not to get shot by a police officer while your in the car Why listen to this? So you don't get shot Scenario an officer comes...
  9. Feras


    Main Idea: CCTV ZOOM/mic Full description of the idea: making the CCTV cameras able to zoom in to make the dispatch have more visual on a person on a long distance, and making us hear people what they say. Why should it be added?: To make Dispatch more useful and make the dispatcher's job much...
  10. Feras

    Warrant Notification

    maby when you press E on the NPC the door will close and the officers will get informed that there is a warranted person there
  11. Feras

    AR on Ethan Belinsky

    your chin wasn't moving and you stood up for no reason
  12. Feras

    AR on Ethan Belinsky

    why did you stand up at min 1:06? when i specifically told you get on the ground?
  13. Feras

    AR on Ethan Belinsky

    - There is no way in hell a police officer would shoot you for calling for help, maybe if you pulled your phone out and then called for help but an officer wouldn't shoot you for it that doesn't matter you need to cooperate in gun point
  14. Feras

    AR on Ethan Belinsky

    "To clarify, my point was that if I could take the chance to call my friends to come save me as I knew you would not shoot me for calling for help." I can tho in RP so you have to RP it. "I may have thought wrong but there was a decent chance of it" The chance resulted to your death...
  15. Feras

    AR on Ethan Belinsky

    "You made this AR several days after the incident happened and coincidentally right after the IA board asked for your view of things, so forgive me if I get any details wrong as I have a bad memory" look up there is a video it can restore your memory "I missed and that was another attempt at...
  16. Feras

    AR on Ethan Belinsky

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Feras/Feras Alzarah His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Ethan/Ethan Belinsky His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:55480733 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He broke 3.4 by calling for backup twice in a direct gunpoint you can see that in min 0:50, then without my permission he attempted to...
  17. Feras

    AR on Tyler and friends

    its ok <3
  18. Feras

    AR on Tyler and friends

    ==Involved== I tried to stop them and jordan had no gun out, so he was not involved he was just watching And there is no evidence the Jordan has taken anything, he was watching and I asked him if he did he said no so please don't involve jordan in this thanks
  19. Feras

    Car Bomb

    Your in-game name: Feras Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86837910 What do you need refunded: Car bomb Why do you want your item(s) refunded: i placed a car bomb under a car and the person disconnected Evidence: Hendricks: Make a refund request for a car bomb Tick: N/A
  20. Feras


    @Hendricks is probably one of the best staff members and players, when I meet him, he sounded like a person who doesn't care, and doesn't like anyone, but when I knew him more, he has been an amazing person, and his pace in responding F6 Reports, and forums quick which I love about him, and I...
  21. Feras

    TFU Montage

    That is SICK!
  22. Feras

    TFU Montage

    its pretty good, if you had better FPS you would've got better, and you need better marksmanship, if you need any help with that contact me :D
  23. Feras

    AR on Sophia Hudson

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Feras/ Feras Alzarah His/Her Steam/In-game Name:cant find steam name/ Sophia Hudson His/Her SteamID:cant find it Why Should This Player Be Punished:3.4 walking in the middle of the shootout for no reason and she is unarmed, and she knows that there is a shoot out but she...
  24. Feras

    AR on Tadgee

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Feras/ Feras Alzarah His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Tadgee Rankin His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:57582090 Why Should This Player Be Punished: he has been disrespecting me in OOC chat and when I told him to stop calling me an idiot, he continues on disrespecting me, which I am not...
  25. Feras

    Raiding puffer :D

  26. Feras

    Raiding puffer :D

    more info in the description on the the video love ya
  27. Feras

    no I am 15 its wrong :(

    no I am 15 its wrong :(
  28. Feras

    Nuestra Familia Applications.

    Steam name:♞Feras♞ Age:15 Playtime: 1 Month, 11 days, 17 Hours How active are you?: Almost daily -IC Info- In game name: Feras Alzarah What cars do you have?: A black Cadillac escalate Previous orgs: Mohamad family Why do you want to join the org?: I got recommended by Tom Hendricks to...
  29. Feras

    AR on 2 unknown people

    ============================================================================ The bottom line is that you dont know what is the charge, so what you could have done is go to him and ask what is going on, and here comes the 10 toes situation where you can ask him what is happening, he will tell you...
  30. Feras

    AR on 2 unknown people

    cant find it unfortunatly