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  1. Ben Lockwood

    Perpheads chat guide.

    In this guide I will be covering the proper use of various different chats that are available on PERPHEADS. Index /Report /Help /OOC /LOOC Text chat Voice chat /Yell /whisper /Org /Gov /me /Desc /Act Out of Character based chats: All Out Of Character chat functions are subject to the Basic...
  2. Ben Lockwood

    BR on Plutarco Marcello

    What a shining example of serious roleplay...
  3. Ben Lockwood

    Being friendly to the new guys

    I would like to give a recommendation to @JohnRiddle as recently due to summer holidays starting and what not there has been a larger than normal number of new players that don't fully understand the rules and of late I have seen Riddle helping a lot of our sweater vest brethren out. If he...
  4. Ben Lockwood

    Hi guys

    Hope to see you around a lot mate. :)
  5. Ben Lockwood

    Ban Request on FrozenMonkeyKing

    Regardless of what you thought you clearly sprayed down an unarmed men and this is a trending theme with swat recently. When you are swat there should not be this fire and forget ask questions later attitude. You claim you where sure there was a sniper but you where wrong. Evidence is evidence...
  6. Ben Lockwood

    Prettier lights.

    Hey, heard you like frames. This idea would set my computer alight so sadly going to give a -support here.
  7. Ben Lockwood

    Sick of the corruption and rule breaking.

    Well, sorry to see that one raid got you to this point but with regards a corrupt staff team you were warned multiple times about the general conduct rules so no sympathy there. If you decide you want to play again I am sure our communist community will be happy to take you back.
  8. Ben Lockwood

    [Ban Request] Cupcake

    Whether your motives for pulling a gun in the first place are questionable, it is clear from the video that the shotgun was brought to passive stance after you where in attack stance so I would give the ban request a +support Whether or not you pulling a gun was valid however will be design by I...
  9. Ben Lockwood

    Dillian Regal Ban Appeal

    Denied,there is no evidence to dispute the ban and being new does not excuse ignoring the rules twice in one day. You broke 3.4 on two occasions so closely together that you where banned while another mod was looking for you. My advice to you would be read the rules in this two week period and...
  10. Ben Lockwood

    Gix' Ban Appeal

    Accepted, I could see the confusion due to the direction you where facing.
  11. Ben Lockwood

    Vehicle selfie thread

    Bugatti Veyron ss double upgraded. 6,300,000 including the double upgrade. Bugatti Veyron 16.4 (Doule upgraded and chromed with gold trim) total cost 7.25 mill Mclaren p1 with double upgrade and 175 k paint 5,950,000 Porche 918 spyder with double upgrade and matte paint 4,430,000 Nissan GTR...
  12. Ben Lockwood

    The Davidson Family

    The founder of this family was killed by a pot.
  13. Ben Lockwood

    Gix' Ban Appeal

    Without evidence I do not know that it is obvious that it is not you or otherwise, unfortunately a lack of evidence will lead to closure of this appeal.
  14. Ben Lockwood

    Gix' Ban Appeal

    You will need to provide a demo to prove there where others present please, I need evidence purely because there was only 4 people online when I came on so please upload a demo and I will deal with this.
  15. Ben Lockwood


    May as well seeing as not everyone knows what I look like. Me and my Grill friend.
  16. Ben Lockwood

    Obidan66's Ban Apology

    Accepted The ban has been revoked however I would advise in future that you use /report during these situations rather than taking that course of actions.
  17. Ben Lockwood


    I have the highest report count.
  18. Ben Lockwood

    Somebody lied in an admin sit causing me to get banned ;'(

    Accepted, Will talk to the speed enforcement officer.
  19. Ben Lockwood

    Wrong Ban

    Accepted, clearly a mistake, apologies for the inconvenience.
  20. Ben Lockwood

    "You are barred from OOC chat currently"

    Player no longer has an OOC ban. -closed
  21. Ben Lockwood

    Remington 870 vs Benelli M3 Super 90

    Benelli is life however anyone who says they suck are probably trying to shoot someone from a mile away for their quick scope montage or something dumb like that.
  22. Ben Lockwood

    Asking for prom

    Two words, gym membership. Seriously though don't be cheesy, confidence is key. Gotta remember worst that can happen is a no so there is nothing to lose and everything to gain, go for it.
  23. Ben Lockwood

    RIP KneeCaps

    Why would you make this so boring, it is such an amazing talent. Like looking at an explosion and going I wonder how hot that is as opposed to holy shit look at that boom.
  24. Ben Lockwood

    BR On Mason Gray & Vincent Wright

    Okay just going to throw my opinion in here, First of all why is William included in here? He complies fully with your gunpoint and his only real crime is being near the incident which I realize in some cases may come under rule 2.6 (reporting a rule breaker) He knew there was no need to because...
  25. Ben Lockwood


    Hard drive just ate shit, back as soon as I can be
  26. Ben Lockwood

    AS Particle Physics Masterclass

    I came on here to view Billy's daily ban request and somehow I am watching a conversation that however interesting makes me want to end my life... thank you perpheads, thank-you. my brain hurts.
  27. Ben Lockwood

    AS Particle Physics Masterclass

    I can smell the sweat
  28. Ben Lockwood


    I am back so heeeeeyyyyyyyy and i will be taking your durgs now
  29. Ben Lockwood

    Matt 4 Admin!!!

    The level of cringe is pretty high in this one.
  30. Ben Lockwood

    Remove the retards!

    tell them to stop, arrest them for law 8.8 bish bash bosh.