Ban Request on FrozenMonkeyKing

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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
Your Steam/In-game Name: Panda

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @TheFrozenMonkeyKing

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58034774

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Where should I start? Ah I came home opened my computer and joined the server. Then I noticed I had to take a huge shit so I went afk for a little while. My friends @Hasu @Janssoni And @Lihakiisseli pushed me to their apartment. There was a bank robbery and someone gave false information in the radio that there is a sniper at regal 4. So Frozenmonkeyking is the swat. He is getting shot as I saw in drive mode. I am afk and looking out the window doing nothing really other than taking a shit. Then he just snipes me down with his G36C.

Evidence (Demo Required):

I also have @Hasu 's point of view

Tick: It starts from 3000 When my friends push me to our house. And somewhere at 25000 I get killed.
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TheFrozenMonkeyKing STEAM_0:1:58034774 Player killed Panda 2015-07-07 15:17:10 - Just a little bit to prove he did kill him.

In fairness they was told that there were snipers from regals 4. But I suppose that wouldn't matter as he is clearly unarmed and is merely looking out the window. Monkey should have at least made sure whether he was a threat or not.
Ok, I'm here to explain the situation, and tell you all why I not deserve a ban or a warning. Here we go:
So first off... what rules did I break to deserve this BR? 4.1? What law? 11.11? Well, I didn't break 11.11. Why not? Because I was sure you were a sniper. There was a bank robbery and I was killed and respawned at the PD. The first thing I was told over the radio was that there was a sniper at Regals 4 and I responded to regals after hearing this. When I then come to regals I see some men walking on the bridge, along with gunshots beein fired towards the Regals 4 window, but I couldn't see any of them carrying weapons so I ignored them. I was walking towards Regals when I was shot at, and I ran behind the SWAT van for cover. I looked towards the bridge, but there was nobody there, so I was sure it was the sniper at Regals. I went out of cover and was shot from the Regals direction and ran back into cover. I was sure it was the man inside Regals who shot at me, so I took out my G36C and shot towards him with burst fire as a quick test to see how he reacted. He didn't react at all, so I was sure he was scoping on, ready to take the shot. (From my point of view I only saw his head and I thought he was headglitching.) I then shot again, killing him.
Why did he not react? Because he was beeing AFK for 10 minutes or more, according to his friends. (This is against 3.16, btw.)
Why did I not see that he was unarmed? From my POV I only saw his head. The G36C is not a "sniper rifle" as you stated, @The-Devils-Son , and the "scope" is simply a red-dot-sight and does not zoom at all.
Why did I take the shot? I heard there was a sniper inside Regals 4, I was shot from that direction, and I didn't see anyone else. I shot 3 warning shots, but you didn't crouch or run away, since you were AFK, and therefore I thought you were busy aiming your weapon at me.

Mistakes. They happen.

My only question is: Why would you get mad/make a BR over this as you lost nothing and was AFK anyways?
Does this rule have anything to do with this?
5.5 -
For players to help other players rob the bank, they must be part of the bank robbery by gaining an arrest warrant at the beginning of the bank robbery. Players that fail to gain an arrest warrant from the bank robbery may not assist with the bank robbery.
Regardless of what you thought you clearly sprayed down an unarmed men and this is a trending theme with swat recently. When you are swat there should not be this fire and forget ask questions later attitude. You claim you where sure there was a sniper but you where wrong. Evidence is evidence and you have quite clearly shot an unarmed man from the ground before you have gathered the necessary evidence. This is of-course a violation of 4.1 and law 11.11 because he was no immediate threat to you and therefor required no use of firearms. There is no doubt that a rule has been broken here however I will be leaving this to the moderator that has been assigned this week to deal with.
Huge +support from me.
(If my spelling sucks please give me a break, it is 2:05 Am.)
Ok, I'm here to explain the situation, and tell you all why I not deserve a ban or a warning. Here we go:
So first off... what rules did I break to deserve this BR? 4.1? What law? 11.11? Well, I didn't break 11.11. Why not? Because I was sure you were a sniper. There was a bank robbery and I was killed and respawned at the PD. The first thing I was told over the radio was that there was a sniper at Regals 4 and I responded to regals after hearing this. When I then come to regals I see some men walking on the bridge, along with gunshots beein fired towards the Regals 4 window, but I couldn't see any of them carrying weapons so I ignored them. I was walking towards Regals when I was shot at, and I ran behind the SWAT van for cover. I looked towards the bridge, but there was nobody there, so I was sure it was the sniper at Regals. I went out of cover and was shot from the Regals direction and ran back into cover. I was sure it was the man inside Regals who shot at me, so I took out my G36C and shot towards him with burst fire as a quick test to see how he reacted. He didn't react at all, so I was sure he was scoping on, ready to take the shot. (From my point of view I only saw his head and I thought he was headglitching.) I then shot again, killing him.
Why did he not react? Because he was beeing AFK for 10 minutes or more, according to his friends. (This is against 3.16, btw.)
Why did I not see that he was unarmed? From my POV I only saw his head. The G36C is not a "sniper rifle" as you stated, @The-Devils-Son , and the "scope" is simply a red-dot-sight and does not zoom at all.
Why did I take the shot? I heard there was a sniper inside Regals 4, I was shot from that direction, and I didn't see anyone else. I shot 3 warning shots, but you didn't crouch or run away, since you were AFK, and therefore I thought you were busy aiming your weapon at me.

Mistakes. They happen.

My only question is: Why would you get mad/make a BR over this as you lost nothing and was AFK anyways?

I'm sorry but I believe you're missing details here to get an advantage. You wasn't shot from regals and you knew you wasn't as I spectated the situation just after the robbery.

Viktor belinsky/Evil shot at a SWAT officer behind the brick wall just infront of regals using an M4 who then took cover behind the SWAT van. So this must've been you clearly as you said you did this. You then shot back at viktor for a little while until he retreated into the suburbs area.

This is the part where you took the shot and ended an innocents life when he was clearly unarmed...

The unarmed animation is clearly different to the attack stance in Gmod and for good reason.

You did infact break 4.1 due to the fact you killed someone without knowing what threat he is. As a supervisor you of all people should know that you should use minimal force or force equal to what the other person can do to you. In this situation you've shot an unarmed man without knowing what he is capable of. This is textbook breakage of 4.1 in my opinion mate.
Then don't afk in a window isn't that quite stupid when people cops are after you, Isn't that your own mistake and he missaw you as a threat, This more your fault to be honest cause don't afk outside a window. Who knows what can happend.

My recommendation is DONT AFK IN A WINDOW WHILE HAVING A LOT OF HEAT ON YOU. -support. This was clearly your own fault to afk infront of a window while your friends/you had cops after you.
Then don't afk in a window isn't that quite stupid when people cops are after you, Isn't that your own mistake and he missaw you as a threat, This more your fault to be honest cause don't afk outside a window. Who knows what can happend.

My recommendation is DONT AFK IN A WINDOW WHILE HAVING A LOT OF HEAT ON YOU. -support. This was clearly your own fault to afk infront of a window while your friends/you had cops after you.

The cops were not after us I have no idea where you got that from. Also how is it my fault to be in a window? The bank robbery was over already.

On phone
Ban request accepted.

The ban request will be accepted under rule 4.1 as of FrozenMonkeyKing violating law 11.11 that means he murdered a person under law 5.1, now if we take a closer look at the laws the user also violated law 10.3 as of the user assumed it was someone who has not been described yet.

User will be banned for 5 days for his actions.
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