[Ban Request] Cupcake

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Ban Request on @[PH] MrCupaCake a.k.a Jay Henderson

Your Steam/In-game Name:

My steam name is Zan and my in-game name is Zack Robberts.

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

His steam name is [PH] MrCupaCake and his last name is Jay Henderson.

His/Her SteamID:


Why Should This Player Be Punished:

This all started with a situation with the police at the bazaar, I heard gun shots and so I reported it. Once police came to the bazaar to deal with the situation, MrCupaCake blamed the shooting on me to the police which angered me quite a lot despite me being the one who made the call.

The police found Riekelt (Michelle Bowman) with a gun on it's back which led them to have suspicions. When the police left, MrCupCake began to threaten me with words such as (John Doe bug:

[Local] John Doe: Imam shot oyu
[Local] John Doe: For dat
[Local] John Doe: go ahead

I dropped the argument until we met in one of the bazaar shops owned by Rodell Abdullah (Matt Grand/Bean Can) where he began to be rude to me again shouting things that were not particularly pleasant. His friend intervened and tried to stop the argument only to begin pushing me and hitting me alongside MrCupCake, his friends name was Bob James(?), i'm not quite sure.

In response to them punching, I did not fight back until MrCupCake began saying things to me again which angered me to the point where I gunpointed MrCupCake and walked up to him. MrCupCake then magically and quickly grabbed the Remington off his back when under gunpoint and when he was against the wall and began shooting at me which led to my death.

Note to myself:
Do not walk up to someone when gun pointing them.

I used this kind of force for my own protection but unfortunately, MrCupCake cares nothing for his life and fortunately for him, i've never been the greatest with a pistol or with gunpointing in general, I have never mugged or even gunpointed in my 7 months of PERPHeads, I do not intend to again.

In addition, the only players which were in the bazaar were friends of either MrCupCake's or my own, no other people were in the area and it was rather dark at the time of this incident.

Furthermore, MrCupCake essentially lied (to an extent) to Arron/Faith during an admin sit before this ban request was made in order to cover his actions or it was just him not understanding what he did wrong.

Overall, I acted in self defense but MrCupCake does not seem to think that 3.4 applies when I am willing to shoot (which he did not know).
The rules broken were (some rules may link together):
2.1 Play Realistically (not sure) -
This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all times; because life is not ‘black and white’, there is potential for some scenarios to have not been included in this document, these rules are also not necessarily ‘written in stone’, meaning that exceptions can be made where appropriate - any such exceptions are purely determined by an administrator’s discretion.

If an administrator believes you have broken a rule and/or acted inappropriately/unrealistically, you will be expected to discuss the situation(s)/incident(s) with the administrator, and you will also be expected to justify your action(s); if you unable to appropriately and effectively justify yourself when requested, an appropriate form of punishment will be enacted.

Please note that if you feel an administrator has made an inappropriate decision, you may request to speak with a Senior Administrator, or instead, may freely discuss the rule(s) and/or incident(s) on the forums.

3.3 Realistic Actions (not sure) -
All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player. Another specific example is that players must always move in a realistic fashion, especially during combat; excessively crouching, jumping, etc, is likely to be deemed unacceptable.

3.4 Putting your life at risk -
Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable.

Risks are deemed to be unreasonable when it can’t be appropriately and effectively justified; for example, if a player was to rob the bank and fail, leading to their death, that player would be expected to demonstrate to an administrator that they had a realistic and reasonable plan and/or mind-set to succeed.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically; for example, if a player kills another player, which results in the former’s death and/or imprisonment, it will mean that the player has failed and unless they can effectively and appropriately demonstrate/prove that they had a realistic and reasonable plan to succeed, an appropriate punishment will be enacted.

A common example would be for a player to murder a Police Officer in order to avoid receiving a traffic ticket; this would likely result in the enactment of an administrative punishment because this specific example is deemed to be inappropriate - this is because the risk (death/life-imprisonment) involved with the murder of a Police Officer is grossly disproportionate to the benefit of avoiding a traffic ticket, typically.

Another common example would be for a player to violate traffic laws without a good/reasonable reason.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Demo being uploaded -
Youtube video (for simplicity and opinions) -

The tick for this incident was 54,000 however the incident with the police and with the name calling happened slightly before, around 49,000/50,000 tick.

Thankyou for reading,
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This did happen in a public area and really you shouldn't of pulled out a gun to gunpoint him in the first place as you could have run off and called the police. However he did pull out the gun under gunpoint and risk his life so should be banned.

Next time don't pull out a gun in public as its kind of unrealistic.

I'm a bit confused since I put CupACake into jail right after the situation an the Main Street so probably this happened 10 minutes after the situation, anyways I support it. Even though it was in a public area he did put out a weapon under gunpoint.
You could've tricked him into the alleyway since he followed you and did it there.

Let's just see his opinion @MrCupaCake
Yes you have my +SUPPORT on this BR. While he was at gunpoint he pulled a Remington out and when he knew he was at gunpoint, therefore risking his life and breaking 3.4
Hm.. Well my point of view. It's a Public Place meaning someone would call the cops even if you didn't shoot me. Second of all, I had friends in bazzar to back me up which would of shot you either way. Third of all I play too much csgo and I have this reaction most times I see a gun. If anything Yes I am sorry but I have explained two reasons why I pulled my gun out. Although yes he gun pointed me he came right in my face which also made me think he was going to shoot me in the head so I followed 3.6 on that thought.
[DOUBLEPOST=1436038970,1436034171][/DOUBLEPOST]Assuming I am getting banned due to my actions, I have decided to make a list of things I shall do before I get Banned (IC DEATH) https://docs.google.com/document/d/...FpmWhZuoRy8Ui_gpw/edit#heading=h.356rz3nhqwgz Yet very little things to do Before I get banned. But I have no idea when this Ban will happen but I shall do these things before It does.
[DOUBLEPOST=1436088788][/DOUBLEPOST]@Funny Little Seal Person

Right... well you might play Csgo/CSS but how much do you play it? This much?
CSS: 8.3 hrs on record CSGO: 126 hrs on record. That is how much you have played which I don't think you would have any type of reaction like me when I see a gun :p.
My time on Counter Strike GO: 341 hrs on record. Counter Strike Source:639 hrs on record

Get what I am saying? :D
Whether your motives for pulling a gun in the first place are questionable, it is clear from the video that the shotgun was brought to passive stance after you where in attack stance so I would give the ban request a
Whether or not you pulling a gun was valid however will be design by I believe Mr.Lewis as he will ultimately deny or apply the situation.
He obviously broke 3.4 and risked his life while you had your gun already in attack stance.


User broke 3.4 by pulling a weapon out in an unrealistic manner which in the end, led to his death. This means that the user will be issued with a warning for his actions.

Zan, under the circumstances you pulling a gun could of been justifiable to come extent as they hit you (Self defence), however I believe that it wasn't necessary. In future, try to contact the police before you decide to bring a gun to a fist fight.​
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