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  1. Itzryzo


    i'd appreciate constructive replies Must also include i get tilted that staff members observe problems with the server but are too lazy to question them / offer solutions
  2. Itzryzo


    i disagree that this cannot be fixed
  3. Itzryzo


    I don't think the server needs to be whitelisted to get people who will roleplay properly
  4. Itzryzo


    Rewards? No. It should be done for fun
  5. Itzryzo


    Anyone else been watching GTA RP recently? Its blown up and become insanely popular on twitch over the last few months. Watching it just makes me see how totally devoid of RP perp is, and how for a long time its become only cops and robbers with select people deciding to actually roleplay. I...
  6. Itzryzo

    Rating System

    ur tosic dumb slut
  7. Itzryzo

    Youtube doesn't show related videos anymore

    i like this new update very cool
  8. Itzryzo


    ur all equally disabled
  9. Itzryzo

    Pineapple on pizza

    its alright i prefer grilled pineapple!!!
  10. Itzryzo

    So this is it.

    only infidels need to run
  11. Itzryzo

    So this is it.

    see u in a week
  12. Itzryzo

    OC Discord Memes

    i thought memes were supposted to be funny
  13. Itzryzo

    First time you joined perp

    jokes on @MrLewis i never stopped trolling
  14. Itzryzo

    PERPHeads Staff Team Easter Giveaway

    hey guys epic winner here
  15. Itzryzo

    Leaving for real, no turning back.

    help i cant stop
  16. Itzryzo

    Leaving for real, no turning back.

    can i have a tldr i cant read
  17. Itzryzo

    Leaving for real, no turning back.

    Not really, its fun at times but its just a GAME its a source of entertainment and not an addiction
  18. Itzryzo


  19. Itzryzo

    Leaving for real, no turning back.

    or you could play ur computer as a fun hobby and still hold a job and see ur friends regularly like the rest of us average people
  20. Itzryzo

    Leaving for real, no turning back.

    most people don't need to "willingly" leave perp because its just a game lol
  21. Itzryzo

    Leaving for real, no turning back.

    imagine acting like a girl for attention on a dead community :(
  22. Itzryzo

    Leaving for real, no turning back.

    weird flex but ok
  23. Itzryzo

    Not A Shooting Montage 6

    not my brightest moments, very cool!
  24. Itzryzo


    screw u all :mad:
  25. Itzryzo


    i have this issue too but i just use it as an excuse to run people over
  26. Itzryzo

    Sweden or Denmark

    wow shit or shitter what a choice
  27. Itzryzo

    what vr should i get?

    idk if u got the budget with ur 10 allah dollars a month pocket money