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Anyone else been watching GTA RP recently? Its blown up and become insanely popular on twitch over the last few months. Watching it just makes me see how totally devoid of RP perp is, and how for a long time its become only cops and robbers with select people deciding to actually roleplay. I think its very simple as to why, on GTA RP the rules are strict and clear you must stay in character and your actions must be realistic. Perps rules are simular, but they are so relaxed that people don't have to roleplay at all.
As much as i don't follow the rules and be aids i do think that changing the rules to get people to start roleplaying and enhancing there character more would make the server a much better place. People don't remember your character anymore, they remember your steam name.

PERP has never been super serious roleplay. not now and not in 2013. it's probably why Half life RP is dead and PERPheads isn't. just my opinion on this but Roleplay should be encouraged and made more easy so people do this more often, and you attract more people who are into serious roleplay.
you dont get rewarded in perp for doing RP. there are no good mechanics that make you money and give you that dopamine boner when you get a ferarri after 50 hours of wasting your life growing virtual weed. if you do proper roleplay as a cop someone will scream at you to JUST FUCKING WRITE THE TICKET AND STOP WASTING MY TIME.

If you force people to roleplay and make lemonade stands or something they'll probably leave
I agree, but you have to consider that the server most streamers play on is a whitelisted server. Simply because they wouldn't be able to handle the aids of all the stream snipers. They can afford to whitelist it because of how much exposure they get, and typically those that get whitelisted, are I guess more "committed" to spending their time roleplaying whatever it may be.

Whereas you can't really afford to whitelist PERPHeads so that only people that "seriously want to roleplay" can play, because the gamemode simply doesn't get enough exposure to attract people before they bother getting whitelisted. If I were to try and connect to a server and it asked me for a whitelist, I probably wouldn't care enough to try, unless I saw that it was something worth.

At this point the server has attracted certain groups of people, massively changing the rules to enforce more serious roleplay would probably upset a lot of people and make them leave.
The server has no roleplay what so ever, it's simply a constant attempt at finding a reason to kill someone. Part of the reason I left the way I did, there's no way to change what it has become.
I am known to be inactive and coming back from time to time. So upon coming back recently I went in expecting proper roleplay, but honestly all ive seen is alot of trolling and memeing, people absolutely screaming down their mics calling it roleplay and hell people even talking about ooc chat in character like its no problem. Roleplay has been slowly killed only living in patches, most of the players have resorted to trolling others and gaining enjoyment from that rather that proper meaningful character development.
I remember that when I joined PERP for the first time, I thought that the server was seriousRP and I was being careful with my actions, I tried to stay IC but then after quite some times, I understood how the server works and I felt so weird, because no one RP's its just GROW DRUGS- SELLS DRUGS- BUY GUNS- SHOOT PEOPLE- REPEAT
98% of people are afraid to say anything about that because they are afraid of consequences which obviously won't be like a ban or warning but the staff could be more aggressive towards them
One of reasons that no one sets up role play situation is due to the lack of interaction people do when these situations are set up, I opened a restaurant up and was gped by ping wing and tiny stole my car. When setting up my road work areas people would slate me for doing so and then proceeded to smash through my equipment scattering it all over the place. This is the exact reason I gave up doing these things. Back when @Prepper was active he did a medical course at the farm about cpr etc, not more than 5 minutes into it we then get raided and killed which was very off putting. If people bothered to go along with these situations and get involved it would be much better. An example would be a boot sale that did with @McGlinchy that was a hit or the time me and @D3V built up to street lights so we could repair them. @Garret_Pp did concerts in the back of sub houses which I personallyg enjoyed. We have the mechanics to make situations yet we just need people to create them.
from what i have recieved as a passive rper myself, is the rp acknowledgement on the forums. i don't believe there should be "rewards" but a bigger impact - we have very little materials to passive rp and suggestions made sometimes get denied, or get accepted but haven't been implemented.

Generally, passiverp is absoloutely shitted on by other players. I am a firefighter, I go to get my meal break or install a "fire-alarm" on someones house and well, 3 cops out of 10 say "You're not allowed to patrol, go back or i'll report you". In role-play terms, you are assigned one vehicle as a firefighter; it is your engine and you should go with it where you wish to. I understand if someone is knew, joins the job, goes straight somewhere else. but for me, someone who has been with this community for just under 4 years, i don't see why i'm told off for role-playing.

the development is primarily focused around the police dept. not the fire dept or ems. it's one thing that deters me from playing on perp.
as @The HitMan (he's a fucking nonce and i miss him) said, people who do set-up these things are generally met with the 'robbers' side of this cops and robbers feel, PERP is meant to be realistic. It's meant to be a gamemode that stands out and portrays real life, we have very little of that. if i go cop, i go dispatch as i can encourage some more advanced role-play.

i've seen many doj videos and they all have a dispatcher in which they respond to, give updates to etc. most of the time, dispatchers are just there for calls and giving calls on perp.

if the upper-management were to look at this, then i'd simply say. stop focusing on the police dept. because good ol lord it's come a long way from the 2 SGTS, 1 LT whitelist to a completely advanced system now.
stop focusing on them.
focus on the EMS,
focus on the Fire Dept.
focus on passive rp (like you are doing w. food revamps, mayorial revamps and taxi revamps. this is a move forward, please stick to it.) the police dept. already get too many updates. there should also be stricter policies within the pd about dropping what you have to go to a different situation (for example, if im doing a traffic stop and a call gets called about a person w a gun, the whole damn police dept. will be on your ass - don't go if you're not avaliable. take your time, interact w the people.)