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  1. R-Flex

    Server Events - 28/04/2018

    I just hope setting up each event wont take 1 hour like other times.
  2. R-Flex

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    As cop you dont raid ( random people at least ) , you dont have to kos anyone unless they got guns out , you dont mug , you dont plant bombs , you dont have to worry about warrants etc
  3. R-Flex

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    It might look simple to you but its not that easy especially when most of the things you do on the server are illega activities. Tell me if i am wrong but most of the time you just go on duty or roleplay. As an officer there is not much to worry about, you shoot whoever has a gun out and gun...
  4. R-Flex

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    might as well unban cheaters that have been banned for more than 5 months as well. If everyone deserves another chance they do as well.
  5. R-Flex

    AR on DJ Khaled

    I picked up the gun because i saw you being on the other side of the vehicle as you can see at 0:16 and didnt see the gunpoint. Once i had the gun out i decided to instead shoot it than getting arrested for 10 years
  6. R-Flex

    AR : Will Slater | Edward Zadorov

  7. R-Flex

    AR : Will Slater | Edward Zadorov

    it was a short pump shotgun
  8. R-Flex

    AR : Will Slater | Edward Zadorov

    Do i need to say it again that i was lagging and everything was delayed? Even with the lag i managed to kill 1 of you so my chances were pretty high. Anyways this is not the subject
  9. R-Flex

    AR : Will Slater | Edward Zadorov

    The reason why i couldnt properly move / run was because of my ping rising up to 1k and so in my screen i was behind the wooden board.
  10. R-Flex

    AR : Will Slater | Edward Zadorov

    No where did i stall , i did what they told me to. The reason why i couldnt properly move / run was because of my ping rising up to 1k and so in my screen i was behind the wooden board. It was just an unlucky moment i dont see no reason as to why i would stall when i didnt even have any drugs in...
  11. R-Flex

    AR : Will Slater | Edward Zadorov

    Your Steam/In-game Name: R-Flex | Damon Wraith His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [IC] Edward Zadorov [OOC] Unknown | [IC] Will Slater [OOC] Draft Punk His/Her SteamID: No idea but could still get it if really needed Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 and possible attempt of 5.1 Mugging (...
  12. R-Flex

    3.25 Drug Harvesting/Mugging

    Players may not harvest drugs or mug players while being raided or when they suspect they are about to get raided if they don’t have a significant chance to escape the situation. (For example if you know you can escape you may do so with the drugs, although you will have to drop what you...
  13. R-Flex

    Im shit at editing #4

    nice one
  14. R-Flex

    [Help]Increasing VRAM - AMD Integrated Graphics

    Maybe its because you only have 4 gbs of ram and it cant support for extra vram on your gpu
  15. R-Flex

    bigs up to Takeshi

    wheres the skin? xD
  16. R-Flex

    Shouldn't I get stable FPS?

    Go into your bios ( Spam f2 when turning your pc on ) Go to the overclocking tab ( For me its named Ai Tweaker as i have a asus motherboard ) Look for memory frequency and change it from 1200 to your rams advertised speeds for normal performance
  17. R-Flex

    Shouldn't I get stable FPS?

    Everything seems ok but you should really change your ram speed xD^^^ Put it at its advertised speeds.
  18. R-Flex

    Moon's Montage

    why is quality so shit?
  19. R-Flex

    F1 Freezing

    whats your pc specs?
  20. R-Flex

    F1 Freezing

    its because it has to load. wait ~ 5 seconds and its gonna load
  21. R-Flex

    AR on R-Flex

    I am allowed to take whatever is takeable from the planter box and that is the pots. Anything else you are unable to remove unless you are the owner of it. Dont you think your behavior was abit fishy? As soon as you knew you got raided you went to your vehicle and took out a weapon as well as...
  22. R-Flex

    AR on R-Flex

    Whole Situation
  23. R-Flex

    AR on R-Flex

    why did you pull it out again at 0:05 then?
  24. R-Flex

    AR on R-Flex

    You saw us raid your shop and steal your drugs literally a minute ago, you go to your vehicle take a gun out and then pull it out looking at me. Of course you were going to try and kill me and so max shot you in the back.
  25. R-Flex

    First Montage

    Why was the part with the tesla included?
  26. R-Flex

    24 Hour raid prevention.

    Is that the actual point? If yes just give every new player 200k as starter money and they wont have to go through all of that.
  27. R-Flex

    24 Hour raid prevention.

    No sorry but this is really stupid. You have missed the point. The issue is big organizations raiding new people not them being raided. Why would anyone even if new want to sit all day making money? The point is to have fun while also a chance of winning. They should still be able to get raided...
  28. R-Flex

    Big loss in players?

    I wouldnt say that the whitelist is really the issue. Its better to have things organized. I believe the issue is how seriously they take PLPD. They need to understand that people are not there to act professionaly and pretend to be real life cops instead people join it to have fun just like...
  29. R-Flex

    Best Computer To Buy

    Those alone are almost 1k lol
  30. R-Flex

    The Madrazo Cartel - Applications

    OOC Information- Steam Name: R-Flex Age: 17 IC Information- Name: Damon Wraith Current Balance (money): 1.6m Vehicles: Dodge Charger 2012 Organization History: Harpers Skills/talents: Decent at building , decent aim , great communication and teamwork skills and also able to craft every in game...