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  1. Chopper

    Dai John :'(

    Sad to see you go mate, hope everything goes well and good luck in your exams love Chop Chop ;)
  2. Chopper

    More Money From Bank Raids

    Don't raid the bank when there is only 3k in it simple? Usually people wait till there is 150k+ in the bank which can be found out from a book of law.
  3. Chopper

    Chopper Read ;)

    Chopper Read ;)
  4. Chopper

    AR on Tyrone Davis

    I dont get it what rule has he broken?
  5. Chopper

    AR Tom Hill

    @ 3:26 it's pretty clear it is you driving and not robert
  6. Chopper

    AR on Ludus++

    +Support Guy clearly broke 3.4 he was getting told to get out his car at gunpoint yet it took him 30 seconds to get out, but then again maybe his seat belt got stuck?
  7. Chopper

    AR Tom Hill

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Chopper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: tomhillm8 His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35126079 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.15 Player was crashing into everything he could, going through shop windows and ramming random cars without a reason. Realistically the car would have...
  8. Chopper


    I have played a lot of SAMP LS-RP in particular. Should be rename Prison Simulator i have served something like 30+hours in prison on LS-RP. I'm never out the fucking place!@Thomas DeSimone
  9. Chopper

    AR Anti Virus

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Chopper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PAYDAY2] Antivirus His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62406402 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Pulled baseball bat out under gun point and i had to shoot her alerting all the police in the area resulting in my arrest for 10 years and...
  10. Chopper

    Teaching my Brother how to play PERP

    Im gonna make it my mission to mug him :)
  11. Chopper

    AR Logan Finch

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Chopper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Logan Finch/Logan Finch His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:62689446 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 and stalling roleplay. Failed to get into the back off his shop after i told him several times. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: N/A
  12. Chopper

    Mugged sweatervest rage quitted

    1. You can't tag admins as evidence anymore. 2. it does not exceed the minimum of 5k refund requirement. 3. You dont get refunded in this situation, you never had the cash to start off with.
  13. Chopper

    AR Calum Veare

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Chopper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Calum Veare His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58837506 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4/3.21, 6.5 Situation started when he was running on the highway for no reason after refusing to ID himself we took him back to PD to try identify...
  14. Chopper

    AR on 4 SWAT

    They didnt really have to shoot your car that is a bit excessive but you tried to evade a ticket and started driving off which is pretty stupid and counts as 3.4.
  15. Chopper


    I got this game last November got about 75hrs in it and i can tell you it's amazing(I paid full price). Its on steam for 2 quid so buy it you will love it. Its pretty realistic enemies dont take a whole fucking mag to drop!
  16. Chopper

    AR on Dennis Hess

    Can't really agree or disagree to this just yet we need to hear what he has to say, there could be a reason he ran you over. It would be nice if one of his friends would tag him so he could reply faster :). Also i dont think this is 3.4 his life was not really at risk throughout the video.
  17. Chopper

    Knife giveaway! - M9 Bayonet Marble Fade

    Because i get to kill and mug sweater just like yourself! :) P.S CSGO is shit
  18. Chopper

    should i upload a vid ?

    Yeah defo mate i love watching shootouts/raids etc. The killing does span over quite a bit so maybe speed up a the boring parts :)
  19. Chopper

    Action Request on Ludius

    +Support been banned for this twice now, it's not like i even done it maliciously just forgot i had items and still got banned. Even when you are black screened you need to wait till you respawn before you can leave. 6.5 - User disconnected within a raid so the raiders would not take his drugs...
  20. Chopper

    Yeah its pretty fucking funny!

    Yeah its pretty fucking funny!
  21. Chopper

    Action Request on Dai John

    Any back story to this? he could have had an alternate motive for wanting to kill you, previous mugging etc.
  22. Chopper


    9mm entrance and exit wound is alot less devastating compared to a 7.62 I would say getting shot in the arm by a beretta isnt as life threatening as getting shot in the chest with some sort of rifle caliber. Getting shot in the chest 3 times kills you ingame Any :moron: can use two fingers...
  23. Chopper

    Car prices

    If the car prices get reduced everyone will be driving around in bugattis and the police wont be able to catch anyone. The car prices are good as they are and takes a good grind to get the car you want. -Support
  24. Chopper

    Shop burned down

    -/+ Support. Legit reason to molotov your shop in my eyes but the timing could have been a lot better. He could have waited till all the cops left then done it. Don't really think this is 2.5 towards you but the others in the shop.
  25. Chopper


    Topic: Changing how bandages work Short explanation (in notes): - Bandages only stop the bleeding for small wounds. - If you have been shot multiple times or in a vital area the bandage will drastically slow the bleed out time but not out right stop it. Detailed description (why should it...
  26. Chopper

    Perp Action Request.

    The demo shows him killing you due to him wanting to raid you at that i would support but if there is any underlying beef then i guess he has a reason. But say that he did not then i also got a ban for the same thing (By Ayjay: Accepted ban request...
  27. Chopper


    Never seen something so jammy in my whole life, Its like they are all retarded, deaf and blind.
  28. Chopper

    Ar on [DPA] Almighty

    Been there, done that. Really if the player is new try tell them what they did wrong and get an admin to maybe give them a warning. If they still don't want to listen and don't respect the rules, a suitable ban should be in place. So +Support hopefully they will learn from that mistake.
  29. Chopper

    AR against James McLovin

    Dont know if i read this right but everything he says seems to be IC which is allowed. Just because he was mocking you as a cop doesn't mean he should get any type of punishment as long as it was IC. Correct me if im missing something.