AR on 4 SWAT

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Blobvis 2.0 (John Magnets)
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: & His/Her SteamID:
Mist1k Liam Lambda STEAM_0:0:46263661 (UNKOWN)
[TAW] Twan Twan Manker STEAM_0:1:62487105 (UNKOWN)
Brace Abde Salam STEAM_0:1:94287097 @Brace
-Arun- David Archibald STEAM_0:1:42132415 (UNKOWN)

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Shooting upon my car after I drive off.

After speeding towards mcuwes to show Marty what my car can do I accidently hit the SWAT van (were i tried to brake as much as possible to not hit it) and they turn on their sirenes and follow me. At this moment the swat follows me upon the parking lot and my friends says drive. Now the SWAT rams into me the first time and when i revers they bump in me again trying to lock me to the stopsign. At this moment i was writing the /report but realised I could better escape and drive off. Now the SWAT gets out of their car (and start gunpointing me but before that I was already trying to drive away) After i speed off in the distance they start shooting my car for no reason as I was NEVER armed (I stored my gun in my trunk before leaving) and the only thing i did was bump into them.

I think they broke rules as they started to shoot my car which could have been resolved with officers coming on scene and pursuing me. Also it is unrealistic to push my car as it is expensive and unnecessary.
Further more the SWAT pulled over my car which is not allowed as they are an experienced force which shouldn't arrest people for traffic offences.

Evidence (Demo Required):
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After reviewing the evidence this is my opinion.

Rule 4.1: Follow the Law:
By breaking law 3.2 Excessive use of force they failed to follow the law, they did not need to fire at the vehicle.

Overall I will +support this Action Request for clear reasons they did not follow the law.

EDIT: Removed rule 2.1 As explained by Chrissy they do in fact do traffic stops
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Rule 2.1: Play Realistically:
The way the Swat had acted was very unrealistic they are armed response officers and IRL you don't see SWAT odoing regular police duties in their massive armoured van its just unrealistic.

Swat is actually allowed to proceed a traffic stop. SWAT is indeed Special Weapons and Tactics but they keep Law Enforcement officers. So they have to enforce the law. In the video @blobvis 2.0 was speeding and crashing in to the swat truck, therefor the swat initiate the traffic stop.
They didnt really have to shoot your car that is a bit excessive but you tried to evade a ticket and started driving off which is pretty stupid and counts as 3.4.
Swat shouldn't have shot at the vehicle. Deadly force should be met with deadly force and in this instance when the only crime the driver had comitted was reckless driving and hit the back of the swat van, so shooting at the vehicle was no way acceptable.
They didnt really have to shoot your car that is a bit excessive but you tried to evade a ticket and started driving off which is pretty stupid and counts as 3.4.
(It is about THE comment part aswell) as you can hear when i am being pushed to THE Back THE SWAT says:
I am Gonna shoot him
they never called any officer on scène And took THE law into OWN hands with shooting me.

sorry for THE caps, it is autocorrection And I am lazy
I'm not to sure if I was on duty at the time or was even within the SWAT van at the during this incident. Even if I was part of the swat team at the time I wouldn't have shot at your car as it would be an excessive amount of force for a simple traffic offence.
I'd like to say, I was involved in this situation over the radio, I granted them permission to gunpoint the vehicle but I made it clear to NOT OPEN FIRE.

The vehicle failed to stop for law enforcement personell and was seen as a dangerous vehicle due to driving on the wrong side of the highway, considering swat was already on scene and reported in seeing the vehicle I granted them permission to GUNPOINT, but NEVER to open fire.

Therefore, failing to adhere to my commands and ignoring the fact they were both unarmed I will be leaving you a small cheeky support.
I'm not to sure if I was on duty at the time or was even within the SWAT van at the during this incident. Even if I was part of the swat team at the time I wouldn't have shot at your car as it would be an excessive amount of force for a simple traffic offence.

I Will trust you on this one as I only have 2/4 names And 1 at bazaar of which i don't have the name visible.
So I Will scratch your name.


Blobvis, I understand that the SWAT team has caused some inconvenience to you by opening fire upon your vehicle.

However the fact should be stated that you did evade the police and drove off after an accident, this does not mean that SWAT can just open fire on you, but I do feel that SWAT gave you enough notice and a chance to pull over.

Next time please just pull over and talk to the officers instead of running off.

I do not feel like any action in this situation warrants administrative punishment.
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