Search results

  1. Sharkster

    Action Request (Redzox)

    Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: elixra ella Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Player's Steam Name: Redzox Player's Roleplay Name: Stefanell Hadzic Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:185968356 Why should this player be punished?: User saw the shootout near PD while he was at...
  2. Sharkster

    Ban Apology (Locksmith)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Locksmith How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: dont remember Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Why were you...
  3. Sharkster

    Watch And Learn.

    #3up @king. [nox] #3up @Pugga #3up @ForoG
  4. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion Sig Sauer Sg550 Reflex sight

    Suggestion Title: Sig Sauer Sg550 Reflex sight Suggestion Description: this is the only 5.56 or rifle you cant put the pistol reflex sight on Why should this be added?: - equality!!! What negatives could this have?: - none What problem would this suggestion solve?: fairness
  5. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion ways to demote mayors by votes

    Suggestion Title: ways to demote mayors by votes Suggestion Description: You can request to demote mayors if they are not listening to citizens or keeping things that are negative to the cities or not helping the citizens of paralake Why should this be added?: - stops people from crying cuz...
  6. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion crowbar pity system

    Suggestion Title: crowbar pity system Suggestion Description: crowbarring 8 times or more is a guarantee door open Why should this be added?: - Doors arent made of titanium they shouldn't be taking that many crowbars - realistic - opening doors would be faster What negatives could this...
  7. Sharkster

    Model Suggestion designs on cap

    Suggestion Title: designs on cap Suggestion Description: Make it so you can put logos or monograms letters , icons , flags on the cap or other head accessories Why should this be added?: - many more unique outfits - I want to look like a macdonalds worker - many people can look differently...
  8. Sharkster

    Sharkster perptage 5

    the preview montage is still work in progress cuz its gonna be decently long so you all get this for now just some random old clips
  9. Sharkster

    Ban Dispute (Auston)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Auston How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Sharky Sterling Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Why...
  10. Sharkster

    Ban Apology (@Mallard)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Mallard How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Sharky Sterling Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Why were you punished...
  11. Sharkster

    Standby Applications

    In-Character Name: Out-of-Character Name: Age: SteamID: Steam account link: Total Playtime: How active are you on the server?: When are you online?: VIP (Yes/No): Previous Organizations: Items you own (Pictures of storage): Money (Picture of bank account): Vehicles you own (Picture...
  12. Sharkster


    About us: alalalalala go crazy go stupid Owner: BaxterBlack/Nerve Smol Co Owner: Sharkster -_- Members: Solid Lengend Ep Juju nakos5 Allies: O'neil & Co MurdaBoyz Monkey's In Paradise OfficeGang
  13. Sharkster

    hi guys sharkster wants sig sauer sg550 skin plz!

    plz post if u have one ion got a good one
  14. Sharkster

    sharkster preview (I love satsum0_nox) < hes so cool 562 ms : Sharkster (montage not completed waiting for him to finish the rest)
  15. Sharkster

    @blackdown joey cappuaciono joey texas

    he bought me free premium hes drunk and cool 10/10 flanker @blackdown
  16. Sharkster

    hey guys asian demon is back

    hey guys im back from my break yippe many of you may be sad many of you may be happy who knows maybe I am washed
  17. Sharkster

    Refund Request (duck)

    Your Steam Name: duck Your Roleplay Name: Ben Ducks Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Reason for Request: I lost my gun cause a cop minge confiscated it Requested Items: Mac-11 Suppresor Red dot sight Stock Mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @@Chase
  18. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion Make it so allys can share perms

    Suggestion Title: Make it so allys can share perms Suggestion Description: How you can share buddies with your whole org win just ticking the org boxes make it so you can do the same with allies make a ally tick box with each ally names Why should this be added?: - So we can give keys to our...
  19. Sharkster

    Model Suggestion Laser Sight attachment

    Suggestion Title: Laser Sight attachment Suggestion Description: Laser sight helps to pre-aim ur shots makes you ads faster make it so that your little dot can be seen (colours can be changed as well would be cool) Why should this be added?: - It would be pretty cool to have laser sights in...
  20. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion Make it so u cant surrender with a gun out

    Suggestion Title: Make it so u cant surrender with a gun out Suggestion Description: people would hate to accidentally miss click the surrender button and lose many things either way why would surrender need to be a option when we have guns in our hands? Why should this be added?: - To avoid...
  21. Sharkster

    Ban Apology (Steelo)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Luna Yui Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Why were you...
  22. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion /call whisper feature

    Suggestion Title: /call whisper feature Suggestion Description: Make it so you can whisper /call so people that are 5 meters away from you cant hear look what ur trying to say in /call Make it so if you are talking in normal mode your /call would be fair if your whispering your /call would be...
  23. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion Give courier a pen

    Suggestion Title: Give courier a pen Suggestion Description: If people would like to pick their own package up instead of having to put it in the van and taking it out taking so much time couriers can just use the pen to sign it and leave it there so people can take it themselves. Why should...
  24. Sharkster

    perptage 4

  25. Sharkster

    Refund Request (Sharkster)

    Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Mark Burger Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon cause it got minge grabbed my friend got locked into apartment Requested Items: Sig Sauger Sg550 Reflex Sight Rifle Comp Mag , Stock...
  26. Sharkster

    Perptage 3

    shit clips currently next one will be better
  27. Sharkster

    Refund Request (Sharkster)

    Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Yui Blue Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Reason for Request: I lost because some guy shot me when I walked out my apartment when a gun on my back but he took my gun and katana and ran away Requested Items: 1 Sig Sauger sg550 Reflex sight rifle...
  28. Sharkster

    Refund Request (Sharkster)

    Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Elim Aku Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Reason for Request: somebody used a fuel can to raid me and lost drugs cause cops came Requested Items: my coca seeds were at 93% in the planter Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...