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  1. Homer

    I'm coming back! (ish)

    Getting bored with Team fortress 2 and I'm waiting for Fallout 4 to be released - there's also a lot of revision to do this year which I'm not doing. Hopefully I can return after I move into my new home, it shouldn't be like last time where the broadband took 2 weeks to come on... so yeah...
  2. Homer

    My first attempt at an MLG - style video.

    Well, took me roughly 8 hours to complete (a lot of planning because hell, planning for an MLG video takes time according to my thoughts)
  3. Homer

    rip in ebbe

    Niko, apologies to your vehicle. huehuehue @-=Bilbo Swaggins=-
  4. Homer

    Adventures of Eddie Rolo.

    Finally, the video uploaded! It took 3 hours to upload. Anyway, this is part 1 of a short series of my journey in Paralake - enjoy. P.S: First time making an actual video.
  5. Homer

    GMod posing.

    I gave posing a go a few months back but lost motivation and generally got bored, tried it again today and I'm actually pleased with the results - if be it, I need to practice posing more since I really can't pose that well; anyway, here are the photos - I'll start off with the first ones I made...
  6. Homer

    I need of a video editing software.

    As the title says, I need a good - decent video editing software, mainly editing as a hobby and partly for school. Probably gonna have to torrent however.
  7. Homer


    Like Stomper, I have felt the need to resign due to my inactivity on the server and my general attitude towards doing reports. This does not mean that I will leave this community forever; it simply means that I do not wish to do reports and rather carrying on my role-play instead of worrying...
  8. Homer

    Leavers day.

    So it was leavers day at my school, managed to become taller then everyone else and get some shots of the year 11s arriving! Enjoy. I wasn't able to capture every vehicle that turned up but I captured the center of attention: Notice the yellow vehicle? It made my day, it was suppose...
  9. Homer


    So I'm noticing a lot of people using the site "fastfingers" to see how many words they can type within one full minute. So, the point in this thread? I want to see how fast ->You<- can type. Post the results by going to this link
  10. Homer

    I'm back.

    Some of you may have noticed I was inactive for a while and that reason was that I had no broadband in my new property and had to wait 2 weeks for the service to become activated. I will come back on the server when my speed has increased from the dreadful 1MB is it currently at, the speed...
  11. Homer

    Inactivity notice.

    Going to keep this short, moving house and for the meantime I'm in a very cramped holiday let. The main reason I'm not using my actual PC instead of my old laptop is because there's not an actual desk I can set it up and also the room I'm setting it up in is giving me claustrophobia, god knows...
  12. Homer

    Test car refund - 60K.

    Your in-game name: Choaixang Wang Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66470518 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Mercedes SLS AMG - 60K and I crashed as soon as I made a deposit. Evidence:
  13. Homer


    Basically, this thread is going to be about some really funny moments (as well as an apology) about the server and how its helped me cope through some real hard times, I do suffer a little bit of anxiety as well, was a bit depressed for a month and I also suffer from visual migraines (You don't...
  14. Homer

    2 cocaine plants and 2 marijuana

    Your in-game name: Eddie Rolo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66470518 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Mainly because the pots are expensive and I lost them due to the DDoS today. Evidence: : EDIT: People say that they might be auto refunded if you...
  15. Homer

    Ted Hastings / [PH] Chicken

    Guy is a great laugh to be with, made me cry once just by laughing. The situation with him mugging almost killed me but lemme get back onto the point. Even though Chicken does a lot of things for the banter, he can quickly become serious (if he wants to :P) Great fun to be with, I hope this...
  16. Homer

    Murtsley / Dalton Jefferson.

    Murtsley is one of the friendliest people you'll ever meet on the server, he's calm, polite and overall, a special role-player as his role-playing is superb. Murtsley has pushed me to do more things on the server which I am grateful for as well as some IRL banter about Wales (ayy) but just want...
  17. Homer

    Chris Andrews

    Had this coming for a while now, not been bothered to actually post one of these before but here it goes! Chris Andrews is a fantastic role-player and a stunning Lieutenant / Sergeant, although his role-play recently has honestly not been to my liking, he's still a huge banter m8 and great fun...
  18. Homer

    Randomly generated fires / more fires.

    Topic: Randomly generated fires / more fires. Short explanation (with notes): - More fires for the firefighters. - Randomly generated fires when it's a hot day in the forest? Detailed description (why should it become added/...) Alright well, firefighter is a pretty boring job right? I've...
  19. Homer

    I'm sorry for earlier

    Earlier today I ruined an RP hostage situation as medic, I was responding to another call and returned later to slums to check up on the situation due to the many life alerts. When I arrived I was gunpointed by Tomiko and I used my /panic which broke 3.4 and I'm so very sorry for my actions, I...
  20. Homer


    So, tomorrow on Friday my internet provider is going to cease my line which means... no internet, i'm moving on Saturday and have no idea when i'll be able to come back online; thinking maybe in 4 days or so. For any of you interested why i'm moving is because our rent is up and we have to move...
  21. Homer

    Returning, Oh no! New map!

    So I use to play perpheads but I left for a few months, came back and the map has changed... oh boy... I was use to the old map and I knew where to go if I was like a medic... police officer etc. I know someone already made a map and I did look at it, printed it in my mind but when I was...