Search results

  1. Ruby

    Server not responding for weeks

    Hey, I have been trying to connect to the server for weeks but the server seems to be not responding for me. When I try to view game info of a friend in the server this is what I see: I can connect to most of the gmod servers but just not a few of those, and Perpheads seems to be one of...
  2. Ruby


  3. Ruby

    Back to Turkey!

    Hey guys! It's the Christmas and New Years time of the year and that means vacation! I'm back from the US and will be here in Istanbul until January 11th. I wasn't able to play while I was in the US since the server would be empty at the times I would play at night there. But since I'm here now...
  4. Ruby

    [How-to] Steam Music

    Hey folks. I'm here to tell you the way to get Steam Music on your steam client if you haven't already. First, let me present it to you. Steam Music: Pros: No need to run an extra program (Itunes, WMP, Winamp) to play music. Manage Music on Steam In-Game (Shift+TAB) Cons: Angry console...
  5. Ruby

    Ruby's Ice Bucket Challenge

    My friend Canberk from Turkey nominated me for the Ice Bucket Challenge in this video: And I could not chicken out. So here I went! :
  6. Ruby

    Ruby reporting wasted from Vegas!

    Hey guys, just came back to my hotel room. I've been away since 5-6 days as you know. My mom came to visit me in US so we rented a car and started riding from San Francisco to Los Angeles then Las Vegas. I've been in Vegas for a few days now, and got in the mood of being wasted all the time and...
  7. Ruby

    New Forum comes with a New Website ;)

    So you have all noticed the new forums, hopefully you all liked it. I personally loved it. Among with the new forums, I'd like to introduce a new website too. I know most of you have been waiting for this specific website. Ladies and gentleman, I introduce you... The genius name comes by...
  8. Ruby

    Sad Truth about Moving to USA

    . . PS: This post is about being alone.
  9. Ruby

    I'm stable, almost!

    Hey guys. Sorry for leaving without a notice a couple weeks ago. Starting from 3 weeks ago I haven't been able to use much computer. The first week was full of my graduation, it's after parties and goodbye parties with friends and stuff. Why goodbye you wonder? Well it is because I moved to...
  10. Ruby


    Master Race vs Peasant Pings
  11. Ruby

    Server Event 24/05/14 8pm GMT Saturday.

    Too bad I won't be home.
  12. Ruby


    Cadillac Escalade is one of the most classy rides you can get. It's also a 5-man car and doesn't eat up much fuel. I'm the proud second person to buy the Escalade on the server and I suggest you getting it ;)
  13. Ruby

    DarkRP fun with the Perpheads Team

    RAID THE UNRAIDABLE KILL THE UNKILLABLE ROW ROW FIGHT THE ADMINS (intense darkrp 2.4.5 action) Epic thread theme song: [video=youtube;0V7aUT13qtM]
  14. Ruby

    Quick say by Ruby

    There has been an unnecessary drama about the people leaving and complaints about inactive admins in the Server Discussion and General Information sub-forums. If you want to suggest something or complain about something, posting the same things on 5-6 different threads won't help much. My...
  15. Ruby

    Let's Instagram!

    Hey guys. I know that I love instagram and I use it a lot. It's always fun to see what my friends are up to with pictures. So if you're also an instagram lover like me share your profile name here so we can follow each other maybe. I start the list, my user id is: utaysi To view a profile on...
  16. Ruby

    First Impressions on Perpheads

    When you joined for the ever first time to the server, what were your first impressions? I just found this old screenshot and decided to open this thread: Mine were pretty awesome. I knew that the dudes were working for a long while before opening the server so I was waiting for the launch...
  17. Ruby

    Ruby's Knife

    I dream of this every night... My future baby: To achieve this goal I need the whole world's help. Here is how you do it. You click the OP link down below and follow your heart's sound. Remember, listen to your heart and do the right thing.
  18. Ruby

    Ruby's CS:GO Series

    Here's a minitage I just made. I'll keep you updated about future CS:GO vids in this thread ;p 20.11.13 - Recorded this video like an hour ago while playing with Xqu, Luke, Bolli and Frosty. It was a fun match. We won 16-4 :p...
  19. Ruby

    Drunk Admin Vol2

    Hey guys. Recorded this video yesterday when I was a little tipsy. It reminded me of Cyrus's 'drunk admin' video so I thought why not share it lol. I guess it would be a massacre if I was drunk for real. I tried that once after drinking half a litre...
  20. Ruby

    Dedication to perpheads

    The screenshot you see above this text shows dedication and loyalty towards Perpheads. The moment of truth when you type in just the letter "P" in the site box in Google Chrome and the first thing that comes out is Perpheads instead of Pornhub, shows that you're noble and have the spirit of a...
  21. Ruby

    Giving a long break

    Hello guys. I've thought about it and came to a conclusion that gaming isn't doing anything good for me at the moment so I decided on giving a long break for it. I'd like to tell my thoughts so you'll know why I won't be playing with you guys from now on. Computers and gaming has been always a...
  22. Ruby


    Hey guys. I entered a 1 week holiday but I'm going away to meet my grandparents for 3 days tomorrow. When I come back I'll still have some days as holiday so see you! Maybe I'll record the next episode of Evocity Adventures when I come back :)
  23. Ruby


    Hey guys. I just opened two Bravo Cases in CS:GO for like $5 and I got a Gut Knife which is worth $70! Here's a video of it + my reaction. Enjoy :D Sorry the sounds are a bit fucked.
  24. Ruby

    Nocolliding Ragdolls

    As the title says, I'm suggesting nocolliding dead ragdolls. There are sometimes too many dead bodies stacked up in one corridor or a door, that you're not able to go through properly and it becomes the reason of your death. Which is if you ask me, very annoying. I'm going to post a picture...
  25. Ruby

    Cookie Clicker: Get clickin' and build your cookie empire.

    Hey guys. It's my second game review after Hitman: Absolution. This time I'm here to tell you guys about Cookie Clicker. It's a web browser based game. I just found out about it yesterday and it looks like it's a popular game since 20 days or something and the developer updates it quite often. I...
  26. Ruby

    Cocaine Icon

    Hey. Instead of this: Could we use this? I think it looks much better and professional rather than a flipped weed icon :p You can use either that if you like or something else if you want anything more fancy. I just made that one as an example, free for use.
  27. Ruby

    Teamspeak, join it.

    Hey guys. I'll show you two screenshots that I took few seconds ago. 28 people on the server but only 3 at the teamspeak. The teamspeak count doesn't change when the server is 50/50 too. Which upsets me a lot because it's much fun when people are on TS, talking about OOC stuff, life etc. And...
  28. Ruby

    Evocity Adventures

    I'd like to announce my new series which I spectate events on the server and commentate in a humorous way. Evocity Adventures... About episode 1, I started recording and commentating because I was so bored, I was probably going to delete it after the record. But I've had fun doing it and...
  29. Ruby

    Phone Timer App

    I often do this manually but since we got a neat new phone which can get new apps, I'm suggesting a timer app for the phone. The current Clock app can be edited for this. This would be so useful for doing meth, because you always have to set a 15 minute timer so it won't get overcooked. The...
  30. Ruby

    New Update: Hats!

    Good day gentlemen! I'd like to pronounce you the new server update. There has been put a lot of effort into this. This update mainly is about accessories, hats. I've added new models to the server just for the hats, all models are made by me. This update will be live tomorrow. Here are some...