Search results

  1. Fexxe

    Returning Dane

    Good news everyone! After an almost 10 year hiatus I finally got that tingling feeling (don´t ask where) and felt the desire to rejoin Perpheads once more. I stopped playing in 2015 after joining the server in 2013 and working my way up to becoming an administrator. Since then I've married and...
  2. Fexxe

    The End

    Dear Perphead community The time for me as come, to step down from my staff position and focus on other things in my life. I will not make a wall of text, since I've never been great at those anyway. Recent events in my life plus an increase in work responsibility, has left me with less and...
  3. Fexxe

    Voices stay within cars

    Topic: Voice chat stays within the car Short explanation: Currently, you are easily able to hear anyone, from a great distance when they are talking while inside a car, I would like this changed. Detailed description: I feel that a lot of people gain information they are not supposed to get...
  4. Fexxe

    Saving Private Daymon

  5. Fexxe

    -=Fexxe=-'s retardtainment videos

    I thought I would share my Youtube channel with you all. So if you are slightly bored and need stimulant for the brain, go elsewhere because my videos are mixed and have little to any thought behind them :) Videos include: harpoon hunting video, messing around on another server, classic vanilla...
  6. Fexxe

    My absence from the server

    As some of you might know, I am from time to time working outside the borders of my beloved Kingdom of Denmark. I have taken a work related assignment north of Stockholm, and I'm now on my 4th week up here, not in a row though. As it is right now, we plan to finish the project next week, ending...
  7. Fexxe

    Police body cavity search

    I've been thinking about this for quite a long time now, and I really think its something that needs to be implemented. If the police would be able to search a person for any drugs or weapons on their body while handcuffed, people can no longer just 'not' put a pistol in their hand (but still...
  8. Fexxe

    Police Tasers

    When playing as the police, people often break fearRP and run away and there is no way of stopping them. It would help the police a lot if one, or both, of these things would to be implemented: -Police Taser, it has a short range but when hitting someone they go down for like 5-10 seconds. When...
  9. Fexxe

    Fuel price

    It would be very nice, if when at the gas station to refill your car with gas, it would say at the different options how much it will cost to refill the car. At the moment its just pulling money out of your wallet without you knowing how much it is.
  10. Fexxe


    Hi everyone. My in-game name is Michael Wittmann, and I just joined :) I'm a 24 y/o guy from Denmark, so I might sound a bit like Arnold Schwarzenegger.. At least that is what people keep telling me ;) I've gotten some really awesome first hand impressions from playing on the server, people...