Search results

  1. Jedediah Longtree

    Model Suggestion Hoodies and maybe even sweatpants

    Suggestion Title: Hoodies and maybe even sweatpants Suggestion Description: I'm making this suggestion purely for my own sake, but I'm sure there are a lot of other people who would love to have a hoodie clothing option as well. I've looked through the 'Suggestions & Ideas' for others who have...
  2. Jedediah Longtree

    Server Suggestion Cash register calculates total crafting price

    Suggestion Title: Cash register calculates total crafting price Suggestion Description: I think it would be a great thing, mostly for new and inexperienced vendors, who I sometimes see selling items either for way too low or way too high prices. Basically my suggestion is that when you set up a...
  3. Jedediah Longtree

    Refund Request (Jedediah Longtree)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Dick Mullen Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon because of Stevie broke gunpoint thus breaking rules 3.4 Requested Items: 1x IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX 1x 12.7x33mm Magazine (Desert Eagle) [LOADED] 1x...
  4. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Stevie)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Dick Mullen Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Stevie Player's Roleplay Name: Stevie Beans Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61122202 Why should this player be punished?: I had previously killed an officer with a...
  5. Jedediah Longtree

    Refund Request (Jedediah Longtree)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Dick Mullen Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Reason for Request: I was raiding one of the subs houses. I gunpointed one of the occupants at the backyard and told him to unlock the back door. The person inside the house removed the keys...
  6. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Jesus 2012)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Dick Mullen Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Jesus 2012 Player's Roleplay Name: Joshua Maryl Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:533170566 Why should this player be punished?: I was raiding woodcabin 2. After killing...
  7. Jedediah Longtree

    Refund Request (Jedediah Longtree)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Dick Mullen Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon due to a rule break. The player has been punished for this rule break. Requested Items: Desert Eagle, Fully loaded magazine, Pistol Reflex Sight &...
  8. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Dorito)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Dick Mullen Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Dorito Player's Roleplay Name: Kenith Billyboard Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:420886591 Why should this player be punished?: He pulled out a gun and shot me while I...
  9. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Zvrooo #DemoteKenty)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Zvrooo #DemoteKenty Player's Roleplay Name: Rico Galbreath Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160728028 Why should this player be punished?: He stored his double barrel...
  10. Jedediah Longtree

    Bug Report (The dot on the reticle is not centered.)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: The dot on the reticle is not centered. How to reproduce the Bug: Make a similar looking reticle as in the picture Time Stamp: none Errors: no errors Media:
  11. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (FanaticalSynapse)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: FanaticalSynapse Player's Roleplay Name: Reinhardt Shillings Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:213621219 Why should this player be punished?: He confiscated my shotgun that I...
  12. Jedediah Longtree

    Refund Request (Jedediah Longtree)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Reason for Request: A police officer had left a traffic cone on the middle of the highway. I crashed into it as I was giving a ride to another police officer to PD since there was a PD raid and...
  13. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (sasuke0115 & Emerald)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: sasuke0115 & Emerald Player's Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan & Emyterasu Yubokumin Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479 & STEAM_0:0:212435254 Why should this player be...
  14. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Sunny Side Eggs)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Sunny Side Eggs Player's Roleplay Name: Patrick Mcgroin Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67736367 Why should this player be punished?: He took out his gun under direct...
  15. Jedediah Longtree

    Not able to link/sync my account to discord server

    I'm making a new one because noting has happened after making the first one. I was told Fredy has to unlink my account so I can link it again but that hasn't happend. That was one and a half month ago.
  16. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Major ibraaa)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Major ibraaa Player's Roleplay Name: Gerd Hauptmann Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:202214913 Why should this player be punished?: He shot me for what I would consider...
  17. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (qayes2109)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: qayes2109 Player's Roleplay Name: Qayes Escobrea Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:514916769 Why should this player be punished?: I was aiming at him with my gun telling...
  18. Jedediah Longtree

    Not able to link/sync my account to discord server

    I try to link/sync my account for the discord server. It says I've already linked the account and when I type in /sync it says I need to link it.
  19. Jedediah Longtree

    Discord ban

    Hey. I was banned from PERPEADS Discord server but I made a ban apology which got accepted. I still can't seem to join the server though so I was wondering if I'm still actually banned. Here is the link to my ban apology:
  20. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Wagi)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Wagi Player's Roleplay Name: Aboubacar Omobalade Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:85899821 Why should this player be punished?: I got mugged by wagi and his friend...
  21. Jedediah Longtree

    Refund Request (Jedediah Longtree)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Reason for Request: I lost items due to a cheater Requested Items: I lost 2 pyrexdishes+6 coke leaves+2 newspapers. The person who got banned for cheating discarded my 6 coke leaves+2x...
  22. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request ([email protected])

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: [email protected] Player's Roleplay Name: Dean Carlton Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:560337013 Why should this player be punished?: I suspect the person is...
  23. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Wagi & Tyler)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Wagi & Tyler Player's Roleplay Name: Tyler Mason & Barry Barrett Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:85899821 & STEAM_0:0:88281998 Why should this player be punished?: Tyler mason...
  24. Jedediah Longtree

    Model Suggestion Mirror image on flags

    Suggestion Title: Mirror image on flags Suggestion Description: Currently the images on flags are not mirrored and if you have any type of text on them it's from right to left instead of left to right Why should this be added?: Because it would look a lot nicer. What negatives could this...
  25. Jedediah Longtree

    Bug Report (When sitting on the chairs at fredys at suburbs (not sure if this happens in other chairs as well) your camera goes way lower than the act

    Type of Bug: Map Description of the Bug: When sitting on the chairs at fredys at suburbs (not sure if this happens in other chairs as well) your camera goes way lower than the actual chair How to reproduce the Bug: Just sit on any of the chairs at suburbs fredys Time Stamp: at any time...
  26. Jedediah Longtree

    Bug Report (I don't know really how to describe it but like when you choose different menus on the phone the previous menu moves outside of the phone

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: I don't know really how to describe it but like when you choose different menus on the phone the previous menu moves outside of the phone but still visible. How to reproduce the Bug: Just use your phone Time Stamp: at any time Errors...
  27. Jedediah Longtree

    Refund Request (Jedediah Longtree)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Reason for Request: 2.5 - Player excessively effected a players experience in a negative way by causing unessercary damage to their vehicle through intentional actions. Driving at 115MPH...
  28. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Bello)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Bello Player's Roleplay Name: Aaron Bagshaw Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:642507043 Why should this player be punished?: 3.8 Elaborate Construction Using his storage chest...
  29. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Chewbacca)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Chewbacca Player's Roleplay Name: Nate McNeill Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:572071736 Why should this player be punished?: They stole my car and wrecked it for an...
  30. Jedediah Longtree

    Action Request (Captain Poison)

    Your Steam Name: Jedediah Longtree Your Roleplay Name: Edric Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21010680 Player's Steam Name: Captain Poison Player's Roleplay Name: Clarence Davidsson Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:48607269 Why should this player be punished?: Somehow the guy stole my vehicle even...