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  1. ZecrazyScotsman

    David's Ban Apology

    This has been posted on David's behalf as he is CWB. Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Fredy How long were you banned for: CWB Your Steam Name: David Your In-game Name: Patrick Mohammad Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:88021153 Why were you banned/blacklisted...
  2. ZecrazyScotsman

    Kaleem's Goodbye.

    Well the time has come for big Kaleem fae the scheme to leave. It has been a quick and fun year and a bit however with most of my friends getting banned recently I have decided to call it time. I hope you all have a moments silence to remember the amazingly aids RP of the Mohammad's magic carpet...
  3. ZecrazyScotsman

    Kaleem's goodbye

    So after 1 year I've lost my interest in PERP. I'm not going to tag many as their are a good few who made my stay enjoyable. But the few I tag I hope you all enjoy the rest of your time on PERP. @Gimic & @David Now you two know why you're here you both brought me too PERP and the both...
  4. ZecrazyScotsman

    David's Serious Goodbye

    I'd like 2 thank @Husky for laughs @Gimic for curry and a asshole the size of parker tunnel @ZecrazyScotsman for messing around everyday with me @Racxes for not helping me in my time of need @Tom Hill for saying sorry for abusing @John Daymon for banning me over a dare @Fredy for picking...
  5. ZecrazyScotsman

    David's Goodbye Post

    POSTED ON BEHALF OF DAVID David's goodbye post Lel this staff team thinks messing with ur mates is slander have fun with that
  6. ZecrazyScotsman

    recommendation for Ben Anderson

    I'm recommending Ben because: There was a car bomb situatuion at bazzar he as the highest rank on duty controlled the situation with the upmost professionalism and thought for the people he safely detonated the bomb with no casualties so a big plus 1 to him enjoy mate. @BA98
  7. ZecrazyScotsman


    Your in-game name: Kaleem Mohammed Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60104525 What do you need refunded: 20 pots, Phone, 13 Burgers, Fire Extinguisher, Book Of Law, 4 Glue, 4k Worth Of Cocoa Seeds, 8 Plastic, Box Of Springs, Metal Rod, 5 Metal, Metal Polish, Oven, Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I...
  8. ZecrazyScotsman

    RR Mugged At Docks

    Your in-game name: Kaleem Mohammed Steam ID: What do you need refunded: 20 pots, Phone, 13 Burgers, Fire Extinguisher, Book Of Law, 4 Glue, 4k Worth Of Cocoa Seeds, 8 Plastic, Box Of Springs, Metal Rod, 5 Metal, Metal Polish, Oven, Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I Was Mugged At The...