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  1. DeadlyGamer5

    Hey again~

    Hey. I was around... i can't remember the year, but i went on my way about the time you switched to paralake, if i remember correctly. I know it's been a while, at least, so hello again~ i don't know if anyone will remember me, or if anyone that would is even still around! otherwise, hi there~...
  2. DeadlyGamer5

    Names Next to Government Radio

    I suggest that there should be names somewhere when someone talks in government radio, so if someone decides to spam it, or someone needs to know someone else's name, that it says their RP name.
  3. DeadlyGamer5

    Found this while going through my old pictures.

    I used to play on another perp server, and i had taken this in one of the early beta's of that server.
  4. DeadlyGamer5

    RDM, FailRP, Attempted CDM

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Phoenix Ravenscar His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Nikolaj Ovesen His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20393821 Reason: RDM as cop, FailRP, entering our house after Warranting us as lieutenant then breaking in with no cause to do so, after killing Historyboi, i walked in and he RDM'd...