Search results

  1. Jon Godinn

    My lie of Head Moderator

    I have some explaining to do: I'd like to start to say thank you to the senior-administration. Both current and previous. During my years in the staff team I claimed that I had a special rank thank was called 'Head-Moderator' I even went so far to create a rank called senior-moderator and got...
  2. Jon Godinn

    Jon Godinn is dead

    Hello you lovely people! I'm going to try to have this short, for the ones that don't know me I've been a staff member here for like almost 4 years now, and I know I've been pretty inactive lately, but trying my best :) I first joined in Evo City where i met amazing people and at that moment I...
  3. Jon Godinn

    My demotion / resignation

  4. Jon Godinn

    fire fighter saving the day

    :mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis: :mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis::mrlewis: have a nice day @jimmythehamster
  5. Jon Godinn

    Guide To Drugs

    So you've joined the server and you want to become rich fast for that jon-looking mini that Moderator has? Here's a step by step guide (with photos)... Meth: Some facts and figures- Meth won't explode until 3 minutes, after 3 minutes it's safe until you touch it. It is highly recommended to...
  6. Jon Godinn

    Jedi Council - JOIN TODAY!

    APPLICATION FORM: In-game name: -Your answer- Steam name: -Your answer- Have you ever felt the force? -Your answer- What division do you wish yo join? -Your answer- -Jedi -Secretary -Cleaner -Assistant -Temple Guard -Public relations team -Finance team -Security team -Your answer- Are you...
  7. Jon Godinn

    Jedi Council Party / JCP

    Welcome to the homepage of Jedi Council Party! Hello there, fellow citizen of Paralake City! Our Grand Master, Jon Godinn, will be running for Councillor. Who are we? The Jedi Council Party is newly formed, created by the Jedi Council. The Jedi Council has been here in Paralake for a long...
  8. Jon Godinn

    To my Ben

    I'd like to recommend @Standish for his fantastic role play today which helped create a perfect raid on a property. Ben Standish detained a suspect who was acting suspicious around the bank area after committing a crime, the suspect was searched and illegal items was found on his person, Ben...
  9. Jon Godinn


    Hello my nam is Jon and im a mod here. Im not active because I dont have a computer because I sold it. Jon will buy a new one next weekend so Godinn will be back on the server then :-) And yes Jon has been swimming alot hehe :p
  10. Jon Godinn

    Recommendation for my D

    Hello, I'd like to recommend the moderator John Daymon / Daymon for is excellent work. The way he handles reports is outstanding! Daymon tries his best to help as many people as he can. He is really active in-game as well on the community teamspeak server. Daymon is also really active on the...
  11. Jon Godinn

    Jedi Council

    Jedi Council The Jedi's are here for only one purpose, to protect you, the civilians. The Jedi's protect you from the bigger problems such as the dark side of the force. The dark side is getting more power of the world and the Jedi's need to stop that right now. The Jedi's patrol around the...
  12. Jon Godinn

    JSC - Join the empire!

    This is an application for Jon's Singing Club To be a performer; Name: Are you talented: Can you strip dance or sing: To be a security; Name: Guns: Have you any expirience of being a bodyguard/security: Car(s):
  13. Jon Godinn

    Johnny away

    hey guys! Just wanted to say sorry for nit being active lately. I've been traveling in Germany, Sweden and Denmark competing in swimming and more stuff. I will come back after 1 week, sorry for saying this super late :troll:
  14. Jon Godinn

    Y o u

    I'm just gonna have this a shorty; I'd like to thank everyone on the server, without you this would't be possible. Staff is here because of rulebreakers so thank you for breaking rules. You are all so awesome and all fun to be around. You make the fun, you make PerpHeads great! Thanks...
  15. Jon Godinn

    Íslenska Mafían; The Icelandic Mafia

    Your mother is dead, mh, don't be surprised; it was us, the mafia, no any mafia, The Icelandic Mafia. What do we do? We fuck your mom. Why? Because we can. Soo.. you have any members? Yes we do, still growing each day Jon Godinn - Forsetinn; The President Richhard Zharikov -...
  16. Jon Godinn

    Jon's singing club

    Who are we? We are highly talented people, both at preforming and singing. You can order us to your party and we will have an amazing show. How do I join? You have to speak to our agent to arrenge a meeting. If you get one you will have to preform something for Jon Godinn and he will decide...
  17. Jon Godinn

    Jon's FanClub APP.

  18. Jon Godinn

    Jon's Fan Club

    Jon's Fan Club Info: We in Jon's Fan Club org, do mainly have events like concerts and party's. We will talk about what song Jon should sing next, we are peaceful org. Ranks: Main singer ( the owner ): Jon Godinn Agent: Head of security: Security guard: Security guard: Security guard...
  19. Jon Godinn

    I know i'm late, but hello.

    Hello, my in-game name is Lisa Quartz - you might have see me as a Jon Godinn, I just changed my name and sex. I've playd on this great server in 1 Week+. I just luuv this server, this community. Thanks :)