Search results

  1. Erwin

    Server Suggestion Free heals for police

    Suggestion Title: Free heals for police Suggestion Description: Police should be able to receive healing at the hospital NPC for free. This allows police to leave a scene where an EMS is busy reviving people and respond to other calls in the meantime. This would also include crippled legs...
  2. Erwin

    Bug Report (Inventory Wheel - Sort by Sector Size/Weight)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Inventory Wheel - Sort by Sector Size How to reproduce the Bug: F1 > Options > Inventory > Inventory Sector Size > Amount/Weight Hold Q The size of the sectors is incorrect and not concurrent. The circle also does not complete. Time Stamp: NA...
  3. Erwin

    Server Suggestion Allow other players to repair your vehicle

    Suggestion Title: Allow other players to repair your vehicle Suggestion Description: As it stands, you cannot repair other people's vehicles at the RC NPC. This is the case even when you have keys to someone else's vehicle. I'm suggesting that we allow anyone to fix any vehicle at the RC NPC...
  4. Erwin

    Server Suggestion Display Crafting Price

    Suggestion Title: Display Crafting Price Suggestion Description: Currently, when you drop an item for sale, it gives you some seemingly arbitrary price. I am suggesting that instead, it puts the craft price of the item. Alternatively, list the craft price somewhere on the "sell item" menu...
  5. Erwin

    2022 GCSE Results

    GCSE RESULTS 2022 With today being results day for everyone who has taken the GCSE exams this summer I thought, as per tradition, there should be a thread for anyone who wants to, to share their results! Considering I'm the one making the post, I think its only fair that I tell you mine first...
  6. Erwin

    Jack Peterson's Ban Apology (Code Monkey)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Code Monkey How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Jack Peterson Your Roleplay Name: Jack Alex-Peterson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:74363381 Why were you banned/blacklisted...
  7. Erwin

    Gun Pointing to Raid

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.7 Your version of the rule: You are not allowed to gunpoint someone from a public place to open their door, in order for you to raid. Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Quite consistently, i keep on getting gun pointed to open our door, and...
  8. Erwin

    Church Is buggy

    Type of bug: Map Description of the bug: If you get on top of the chandelier, you can see through the walls and see whos at your door. How to reproduce the bug: Go to church. Jump on the door frame of the back door, jump on the big stone cross, then jump on the chandelier and stand up. Time...
  9. Erwin

    Flugs Appreciation Thread

    Flugs recently has been very active as a staff member, dealing with everything that he can. I have seen him on pretty much everyday helping everyone with their reports and issues. He constantly looks out to give help, something which i genuinely think that he has a passion for doing, and after...
  10. Erwin

    Just a small typo

    Type of bug: Typo Description of the bug: On the 5.54x39mm suppressor, it says in the description that it is a 5.56x39mm suppressor. How to reproduce the bug: Hover over a 5.54x39mm suppressor in your inventory. Time stamp(s): N/A *Errors: It says 5.56x39mm suppressor, *Media:
  11. Erwin

    Alans RR

    Your in-game name: Alan Erwin Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:106963981 What do you need refunded: A G36C with a full mag, red dot and rifle comp Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I would like the refunded as the person who ran into us, broke 2.1, 3.4, 3.6 and 3.15 and the gun is not exactly the...
  12. Erwin

    RR - Rule Breaking Mug

    Your in-game name: Alan Erwin (Nacho Cheese Dorito #Dom4DCOD) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:106963981 What do you need refunded: 2x Bandage | 3x Crowbar | 1x Smartphone | $5000 | ( He took 2x Burgers and 1x Book of law, however there is no evidence.) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I would like...