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  1. Exnem

    Goodbye for now.

    I don't really know how to put this without revealing too much about myself, yet say the things I need in order to justify the actions you've likely seen myself take. I could just say "mental health" and be over and done with it, yet it feels insufficient to cover the extent of my actions and...
  2. Exnem

    Action Request (habibitecman)

    The other player may have overshot their intended lane, but you made the conscious choice to speed 70 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. This is double the speed limit and entirely your own fault. Drive slower next time.
  3. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    Your record for 3.4 in the last 3 months, including the apologies you've made for getting the bans reduced, or being unbanned, have not resulted in anything. You clearly didn't learn from these mistakes and your blatant disregard for your own life in the hostage situation you participated in...
  4. Exnem

    Bug Report (Flashlights can be seen through the leaves on trees.)

    The image you put doesn't even have the guy with any part of his body behind any sort of leaf, so idk what you're actually reporting. Light will shine through gaps in leaves, so regardless of whether or not it should be visible is irrelevant considering how light works.
  5. Exnem

    Model Suggestion Nissan Micra 2002

    This is no longer a limitation. @Collier
  6. Exnem

    The Thing Beside you Killed you

    I've been hung by my window curtains I guess.
  7. Exnem

    Yo Perpheads Players What is Water?

    water is wet.
  8. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (SamSN)

    So you are disputing it then?
  9. Exnem

    Your scuffed niche game that nobody plays

    I played the shit outta this way back in the day. Lost the CD copy of it unfortunately so haven't played it since 2014 or so.
  10. Exnem

    hello perpheaders

    welcome to perpheads perp, an awesome garry's mod community!
  11. Exnem

    Your scuffed niche game that nobody plays Barely anyone plays this nowadays but it's one of my favorite amongst favorites. There's an average of like 30 people playing at any given time.
  12. Exnem

    Model Suggestion ACOG sights on shotgun.

    TFU and civilians use them all the time on rifles. Even a zenith scope can go on a rifle, which is a sniper scope mind you. Even then it's viable considering that the bullet actually travels all that distance anyway. For a shotgun, unless we get different ammo, the rounds are never gonna travel...
  13. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Hospital treatment.

    This has been implemented after this was made.
  14. Exnem


  15. Exnem

    Making edit, need sfx

    It has been added to the original link.
  16. Exnem

    Making edit, need sfx
  17. Exnem

    Warning Apology (Valentine)

    You cannot appeal a warning via apology. If you want it off your record, you'll have to dispute it.
  18. Exnem

    Warning Apology (Allen)

    You cannot appeal a warning via apology. If you want it off your record, you'll have to dispute it.
  19. Exnem

    The Long Awaited Juantage 2

    He installed pneumatic pistons into his mouse for extra realistic recoil.
  20. Exnem

    Bug Report (When sitting on the chairs at fredys at suburbs (not sure if this happens in other chairs as well) your camera goes way lower than the act

    When did you experience this bug? Reportedly it should be fixed according to
  21. Exnem

    Bug Report (Grenade throw can't pass through metal detector)

    This isn't a bug. You let the grenade go, then immediately looked right. There is a delay between the animation approaching completion, and the grenade actually being thrown. You threw the grenade straight into the doorway.
  22. Exnem

    Switch forum account names

    As Haris has stated, please use the form provided in his reply to contact them about removing your forum account. Given the lack of activity on this thread, this will be archived.
  23. Exnem

    Refund available?

    This disclaimer is written just above the donate button, as such you do not have the right to a refund for getting yourself banned.
  24. Exnem

    Refund Request (MaverickRat)

    Apologies for the delays in response, for some reason I am not receiving notifications to this at all. You can upload the demo to whatever you want, I'll get you the right file if it helps: perpheads_demo_2023-7-21 00-53-23
  25. Exnem

    Refund Request (MaverickRat)

    If you could post the demo file here so I can review it, or you can post an image of the table before it blows up. I need to verify what was on it before granting you anything.
  26. Exnem

    Refund Request (MaverickRat)

    I need you to post the video of the incident that I asked for when I revived you. I am also going to need a timestamp of when this happened.
  27. Exnem


  28. Exnem

    Model Suggestion Fireman GRENADES

    Can you elaborate? Like, all this would do is deploy a puff of fire retardant and extinguishing material for a few seconds.
  29. Exnem

    Model Suggestion Change the fuel pump models

    Some models used in the posters I and Super create use workshop assets, or are from sfmlab or other games. This means that they would either require permission from the creator to use, or pulled from a game and put into the content pack. PERP prefers to do things in-house where it can. The more...