Search results

  1. Allen Kennedy

    PERPHEADS | 1v21 WHO WINS? Check it out! :)

    He has a weakness. The weakness is being flattened by a police car.
  2. Allen Kennedy

    Longest time you have been banned for

    2 weeks, but this was like donkeys years ago
  3. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    Removing the requirement will result in there being a lot more Corporals, who are incentivized via the bonus system to write good ORs. If you want more officers to do ORs, then doubling the number of officers who can issue them is probably going to help more than requiring the few officers who...
  4. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    I believe that incentivizing quality ORs will in turn, incentivize people to patrol with officers who need feedback and advice, so they have something to write about, as opposed to just giving ORs to their friends and putting N/A in the points for improvement section. I want Corporals exempted...
  5. Allen Kennedy

    Actual resignation. I've literally never had a staff complaint get accepted lol

    Actual resignation. I've literally never had a staff complaint get accepted lol
  6. Allen Kennedy

    I resigned. Glory to PERPHeads.

    I resigned. Glory to PERPHeads.
  7. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    If I wanted to, I could write three sentences and give people 24/24 twice a month like everyone else and pat myself on the back, say that I've "put that one single ounce of effort in" and be done with it, but it's retarded, because that does not help junior officers at all. If you can write an...
  8. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    I think with a lot more Corporals, and with the bonus incentive for writing quality ORs, you'll likely see more quality ORs on average being completed, as opposed to right now where people write two a month and spend as little time doing so as they can get away with. Evidently it's not a big...
  9. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    There's guys who were lieutenants and captains for years, and have untold experience and insight to offer, and when they come back after a few months of inactivity, they have to sit as Senior Officer, unable to do fucking anything. I don't think having it so those guys are unable to give an OR...
  10. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    Suggestion Title: Corporal Rework Suggestion Description: Corporal is meant to be the penultimate rank that an officer can achieve before they step into the role of a supervisor. They are meant to be the workhorses of the PLPD, and amongst their most experienced and trusted. Instead, they are a...
  11. Allen Kennedy

    The most hated thing on perp

    lol. lmao, even.
  12. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (idk)

    @DemonZ @Jaturas @JuhansMad will each receive a warning for 3.20 As frustrating as it is to deal with a situation like this, you can't reconnect to get out of the cells when you do in fact have a phone you can use to call for help. Had you waited longer than only a few minutes without...
  13. Allen Kennedy

    Collection of airsoft guns and nerf guns

    You don't have a crippling airsoft addiction that eats up half of your income
  14. Allen Kennedy

    Collection of airsoft guns and nerf guns

    This is my other M4 which is currently off with a tech to get fixed as well.
  15. Allen Kennedy

    Collection of airsoft guns and nerf guns

    So, from left to right, up to down, I've got a: Double Bell VSR-10 with a real wood stock Tanaka S&W Model 10 Tanaka S&W Model 15 KWC Cybergun M1911A1 KJ Works Beretta 92FS KWC Umarex H&K USP GHK Glock 17 GHK Glock 45 CYMA Springer Shotgun CYMA XM177 CYMA M16 CYMA M16A1 w/ grenade launcher I...
  16. Allen Kennedy

    The most hated thing on perp

    Dragging players. Buggy as hell, and clunky for both the officer dragging, and the person being dragged. Just everything about that mechanic needs a rework.
  17. Allen Kennedy

    Favourite Pistol and Why ?

    I feel like the Taurus 605 has the PPK beat in the cheapest gun department, purely because you don't need magazines, and it does a lot more damage. PPK is nice for james bond larp though.
  18. Allen Kennedy

    Favourite Pistol and Why ?

    Glock 20 is a beast. Recoil takes a bit more getting used to than the HK45 though.
  19. Allen Kennedy

    Favourite Pistol and Why ?

    Revolvers are fun. I like the SW19 personally, even though the iron sights suck. I sniped a guy with one when he had an M82 one time, so that was nice. If I had to choose a semi-automatic I'd choose the Beretta, just cause I like the irons.
  20. Allen Kennedy

    Bug Report (bullet in the head but didnt die)

    I do believe you hit him in the shoulder first.
  21. Allen Kennedy

    GTA - Vehicle Modding

    I've done a little bit of everything for GTA modding, but just kinda scratched the surface. Started with a few lore-friendly vehicles, but I'm most proud of my gun mods that actually utilized tints, which is quite rare to see in gun mods. I also made some horny mods. Not nexus mods level...
  22. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Vehicles don't disappear whilst being driven.

    Suggestion Title: Vehicles don't disappear whilst being driven. Suggestion Description: If someone other than the owner of a vehicle is driving it, and the owner disconnects, then the vehicle will not disappear until the driver gets out of the car, or after a five minute timer, during which...
  23. Allen Kennedy

    How did you find Perpheads and when?

    It was like, August 2014, and Fearless CityRP had a really funny bug where everyone was default grey hl2 playermodel and so my squeaker friend recommended we join this server, and so we did, and we basically just pooled our money together to get a mini for 35k and then wrecked it on the wrong...
  24. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (valsgaard22)

    User will receive a one week ban for his actions, as well as an unspecified PD blacklist.
  25. Allen Kennedy

    Community Suggestion Monthly Q&A For Update Demand

    Maybe once a quarter, as opposed to once each month, as this gives suggestions time to mature and be judged by the community.
  26. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Jump combat rework and no sprint-to-shoot for long guns.

    Suggestion Title: Jump combat rework and no sprint-to-shoot for long guns. Suggestion Description: When sprinting, assault rifles, snipers, and full size shotguns will be put in passive stance, and need to be manually raised once sprint is concluded. This would not apply to sawed off shotguns...
  27. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    I don't know why you're surprised that your car was disabled when you drove into a shootout, knowingly or otherwise. Reviewed with @Scoot
  28. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Sanchez)

    @Sanchez While there's been a resolution within the staff team to loosen 3.3 enforcement recently, you should avoid jumping around corners whilst in combat. In this case, no punishment will be issued. @Floppa Please stop talking shit in LOOC. Reviewed with @Scoot