Search results

  1. Skudist

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  2. Skudist

    PERPHeads Forums taking too long to load

    Two suggestions: try a different browser and see if that changes anything. Otherwise, you could try restarting your router. I also had the same issue a while back (like a few months ago). No clear cause, only that it was slightly worse on Google Chrome than on Firefox and that it occasionally...
  3. Skudist

    Littering law

    A draft for this law has been made a while ago. However, the creation of motions and votes on have been paused since around February 2023 as additional ideas were planned to be implemented to increase vote turnout. As it stands, the system mostly remains at a standstill. While...
  4. Skudist

    Police Suggestion Split units among multiple dispatchers

    Should it occur that more than one dispatcher is on-duty, as per training, they are expected to split the tasks of receiving calls, checking CCTV cameras and handling radio. From my personal observation, the problem you mention about dispatch being too stressful mainly comes down to mostly (if...
  5. Skudist

    Police Suggestion Detectives

    Given that any meaningful investigation activities fall short in police roleplay, as no officer will find time to deal with such nuisances, having to decide to which of the three simultaneous shootouts to go to, I would personally love to see a division of such sort, that would focus on these...
  6. Skudist

    Congratulations on BLUE!

    Congratulations on BLUE!
  7. Skudist

    Carjacking is 5.1?

    I don't see how an act that hasn't been implemented as a feature would necessarily imply that depicting it via /me is forbidden or rather not intended, it is very possible that this scenario wasn't immediately thought of in implementation (especially considering that I believe that the...
  8. Skudist

    Carjacking is 5.1?

    But vehicle keys are not implemented in-game items. Thus it can not be effectively depicted within the gamemode. Because an act hasn't been implemented, I wouldn't classify it as not-intended, which either way wouldn't barr you from depicting via /me unless it violates other rules.
  9. Skudist

    Carjacking is 5.1?

    3.26 does not forbid the depiction of actions that are not intended to occur. By your logic, handing someone their ID to another person can not be depicted per 3.26 as transferring items to others is implemented, but transferring factually non-existent documents (like factually non-existent...
  10. Skudist

    Carjacking is 5.1?

    Matters how we define mugging precisely. If it is generally the act of threatening someone directly with harm, forcing them to hand over any sort of possession including keys to other possessions, it would classify as 5.1 If we were to define it as how muggings are more widely seen as in-game...
  11. Skudist

    Carjacking is 5.1?

    Personally I don't see how this would be a 5.1 violation either. To be fair, the general principle of personal storage is a 2.1 violation in itself, which is tolerable given that the gameplay aspect must be preserved. Theoretically, storing an item at Suburbs Storage and retrieving it at...
  12. Skudist

    Server Suggestion Censorship policy

    Personally I see Option A to be more effective in long-term. Given how regular /advert is being used, for Option B it would require the mayor to be fully invested into the approval and denial of adverts throughout the entire time the policy is active. If the mayor is not well enough notified...
  13. Skudist

    Suicide law

    It could've been that they committed another offence which perhaps lead them to try and "flee" that way.
  14. Skudist

    PLPD 2 - Bug Report before initial release

    On employeelist: The colours of Civilian rank and officer rank are barely distinguishable, perhaps make the Civilian rank gray? On list of observation reports on profiles: letters are sporadically missing
  15. Skudist

    Congrats man! Well deserved!

    Congrats man! Well deserved!
  16. Skudist

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  17. Skudist


  18. Skudist

    Rule Changes - 09/11/2023

    To be fair, merely the fact that 9.2 has 8 years listed as maximum imprisonment means that if somebody were to be charged for 9.2, they would, under any circumstance be at risk of receiving a prison sentence for at least 7 years, as the handling LEO has the lawful power to hand them that kind of...
  19. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear TheMoon readers, report 12 is out and will be all around the city!
  20. Skudist

    Congrats man, once again!

    Congrats man, once again!
  21. Skudist

    Minor Rule Changes - 11/08/2023

    What is a "road management officer"? Is that supposed to be another term for RTU officer?
  22. Skudist

    I need actors

    I'm interested in participating
  23. Skudist


  24. Skudist

    Bachmeier Law Consulting

    got an IA complaint? get an expert! We at Bachmeier Law Consulting offer professional help for legal problems of any sort, from defending against IA complaints to general legal consulting. Stefan Bachmeier, as the sole member of this firm, has a long history of working with PLPD policies and...
  25. Skudist

    Congrats on your green role!

    Congrats on your green role!
  26. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear TheMoon readers, report 11 is out and will be all around the city!
  27. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear TheMoon readers, report 10 is out and will be all around the city! Thanks to Mr Samuel Bisson for participating in this interview!
  28. Skudist


  29. Skudist

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  30. Skudist

