PERPHeads Forums taking too long to load

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Berlin, Germany
Recently the forums have been loading incredibly slow for me, every other website works just fine except this one. Liking a post/shoutbox message, going on a different page or anything causes it to load and take about 10-20 seconds to load. If anyone knows why and if there's a possible fix, then please let me know.
F12>Performance and show us a screenshot. It should point us towards to what the problem is hopefully.
Is there any apps running in the background that you know may have an impact on you loading the perpheads forums perhaps?

Or it may be the many people who are active on the forums. Am not going to say there is nothing wrong with your internet. However when waking up tomorrow. See if you have the same problem as you did today when heading on the forums. It may be the mass amounts of people on forums. This is just a potential problem and not the answer
Two suggestions: try a different browser and see if that changes anything. Otherwise, you could try restarting your router.

I also had the same issue a while back (like a few months ago). No clear cause, only that it was slightly worse on Google Chrome than on Firefox and that it occasionally took ages (around 20 seconds usually, sometimes more) to load the initial document file.

This issue persisted with both and However, the issue some time disappeared unknowingly. So maybe you'll be as lucky and have the issue disappear within a few weeks.
Not THE solution but it may help narrow down the problem - try "tracert" and "ping" on your home internet then your mobile data (you can do hotspot via Wifi or USB on modern day devices).

My connection is perfectly fine and pretty instant so here is what I'd see (the blurred part is my isp, hidden for privacy):

I was going to suggest using a different browser as I used to have issues with the shoutbox not working properly and getting forum error messages on iOS Chrome until I began using Brave however it would make no sense for the same issue to happen on two different devices so this just sounds likely to be a network issue.
I experienced very slow loading times when the community polls opened, but now that they are closed, the issue seems to have resolved. I'm not sure if your problem persists though