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  1. Nuka

    hey man! for sure. are you on discord?

    hey man! for sure. are you on discord?
  2. Nuka

    Back maybe.

  3. Nuka

    Back maybe.

    Hi! Back playing GMod a bit. Used to love being an Enforcer here. I am a police officer IRL now so happy to answer any policing queries... Nuka
  4. Nuka

    Thanks Blackdown.

    Thanks Blackdown.
  5. Nuka

    Oi. Someone please enlighten me.

    Oh. I was on holiday for a week. D: I don't know how to work this new comment thing, so: I went on holiday for a week, come back to find myself demoted, and then left bc of this demotion.
  6. Nuka

    Oi. Someone please enlighten me.

    Hi, Nuka here, your friendly friend I never found out why. No one I ask knows why. Why was I demoted? I've asked a lot of people. One person says they later said it was unjust, but no one has told me the actual reason. I loved enforcing this server, and I hope to one day do it again. But...
  7. Nuka

    RULE SUGGESTION: Panic Button

    If I may clarify something, (sorry for reviving this) the panic button is located on the radio which according to the player model used in PERPHeads for police is located on the belt. When you're exiting a vehicle, is it not INCREDIBLY easy to literally swipe your finger over the little button...
  8. Nuka

    Blackdown, Enforcer?

    #blackdownforenforcer2k17 10/10
  9. Nuka

    Lewis 088...

    I wanna' see.
  10. Nuka

    Cyrus leaving

    *plays violin*
  11. Nuka

    Cyrus leaving

    Bitch I'm getting on the Cyrus boat whether you like it or fucking not.
  12. Nuka

    Cyrus leaving

    Bye Cyrus. You're a top notch guy and I'll probably jump on the boat with you.
  13. Nuka

    Ban Request- Lewis 088

    But answer this: You have a huge group of people screaming down mic "YEAH BUT YOU FAILRPED CAUSE" and people expect the admin to be all "Well I think blah blah blah". Do you think that's correct?
  14. Nuka

    Ban Request- Lewis 088

    Well yeah, LEWIS went over the line. It shouldn't of happened, and like LEWIS has just posted, an apology was needed.
  15. Nuka

    Blomman is leaving.

    Blomman, I truly respected you. Good luck in your endeavors, man!
  16. Nuka

    Ban Request- Lewis 088

    Jus my opinion here, admins (I would sort of know) can get very pissed in situations when a lot of stuff is going on. Commonly I told people to "Shut the hell up! Both of you!" and such things, because they have authority and they need to display it. But the whole 'retarded' thing, yeah, that...
  17. Nuka

    Admin abuse?

    I don't think it's that bad, but yeah, there is come corrupt admins. I'd never snitch unless it started to affect players, which, is bad, I know. I'm not perfect, and I accept that (So did Alex_:D) but an example: Teleport abuse. An anonymous administrator of the Staff team was teleporting...
  18. Nuka

    Ban request

    You've been banned permanently for ban evasion. Goodbye!
  19. Nuka

    Ban request

    First of all, a template would be nice, some form of who you're even actually accusing of doing whatever you think has been committed, when it happened, and an idea of what tick we're supposing to be watching. -support. Make it actually usable to an admin, if that isn't any trouble
  20. Nuka

    If any of you like Police games

    Seems a bit ambitious, but at this stage i'm grasping at whatever I can get police wise. If you're into general emergency services try Emergency 4.
  21. Nuka

    Blackdown - LOA

    See ya later my brother. Happy revising.
  22. Nuka

    (Website) Coloured usernames for specific ranks.

    But Helpers get pee physguns ;-;. I want one.
  23. Nuka

    (Website) Coloured usernames for specific ranks.

    *cries, knowing he failed recognizing the colour*
  24. Nuka

    (Website) Coloured usernames for specific ranks.

    Light blue sounds so swag.
  25. Nuka

    Hey Guys :D

    Hello, welcome!
  26. Nuka

    Hey guys, ~Shifix

    We've already spoke on Steam. Welcome mate!
  27. Nuka

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    I really want to see what this was now.
  28. Nuka

    What Can I Improve And Fix?

    I really don't see why you've made this, no offence. I've played this game before; you make other topics to show you want to make an effort, etc. But either way, here's my opinion. You pride yourself of having a good time if it means breaking the rules. Yes, we could all have a lot more fun if...
  29. Nuka

    Le Fromage
