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  1. Cudder

    life hit me hard, college aint easy, thx bby forever in my heart <3

    life hit me hard, college aint easy, thx bby forever in my heart <3
  2. Cudder

    Goodbye, PERP is not dying

    Super late to reply but I have also been very busy with college & working a summer job because I'm an "adult" now. Thank you for taking care of my drunk self and making sure I didn't break any rules while drunk :laughcry: good luck in school I know that shit gets hard
  3. Cudder

    highkey has some dank koosh inside

    highkey has some dank koosh inside
  4. Cudder

    thats a cute pet you have there

    thats a cute pet you have there
  5. Cudder

    Your job?

    Studying IT in college, but since it's summer I'm working right now in a warehouse, easiest fucking job ever and I get paid $15/hr. I don't feel like a slave and I'm not sore after every shift like my previous gigs.
  6. Cudder

    Thank you for a good time

    See u soon bby girl, thanks for making me salt in our beef when we first met :laughcry: also best plpd woman cop
  7. Cudder

    Thank you for a good time

    Basically got a job and started working again, and I've been a college student for a while now so I find the time I used to set aside for PERP and fun shit is more pressed into chasing real life goals instead of a fake car and an armory of guns.. I joined when I was 15 and I'm 19 going onto 20...
  8. Cudder

    Battlefield V

    BF2 and Windows 7/10 don't get along well, I tried installing it before and the game wouldn't even start
  9. Cudder

    Battlefield V

    This is fucking trash just like Battlefield 1 I'm gonna stick to BF3 and Bad Company 2 like always
  10. Cudder


    From my recent trip to Hawaii dodging volcanoes and shit
  11. Cudder

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    free @Garo.k & @Andoyan bring back armenians free top shotta @Shokron13 we gonna shoot a cheekin
  12. Cudder

    Which car should I get

    scion frs double upgraded or bmw m1 double upgraded if ur on a budget
  13. Cudder

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    thick thighs save lives but at the end of the day if yall get married you're gonna have to deal with her wrinkly sagging tits and degraded ass so i usually go 50/50 on personality to looks
  14. Cudder


    yes bby
  15. Cudder


    omg he's asian
  16. Cudder

    Post your real life car

    Love this car, Dad owns it but when I get behind the wheel I slap it in sport mode and it flies, gotta love that turbo <3 Here's my daily driver I used to own a 2012 G37X but my mom decided to run a red light and total the car...
  17. Cudder


    had the same issue even bought a new pc with better specs, really just gmod. when i know shits about to go down i just do gmod_mcore_test 2 and r_shadows 0 in console it solved the freezing for me, for a lot of people the flash from the guns causes it
  18. Cudder

    @SlayerDuck is against drugs

  19. Cudder

    delete plz

    gonna miss those pink shorts
  20. Cudder

    Shokron's Goodbye post.

    My day one from 2014, saw you go from soldier to general over the years, we made cheekin meme along with enforcing respek on our name, and you made sure no one booly me. Also I always pick on your israeli ekk scent. Whenever there is beef we gonna shoot a nigga, see you soon hookah boy <3
  21. Cudder

    thank u cheekin, booly sb6ghost

    thank u cheekin, booly sb6ghost
  22. Cudder

    thx mi amor

    thx mi amor
  23. Cudder

    Perp highlights #2

    That fucking scream at 0:33 :laughcry:
  24. Cudder


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Cudder / Riley Brisco His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Husky / James Husky His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105105797 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.3 by raindancing in a raid, and even said "do you like this raindance?" Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: 0:00 - 0:23
  25. Cudder

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

  26. Cudder
  27. Cudder

    Cars that you wish were in PERP.

    The way I drive my 2012 G37x I'm surprised I haven't gotten any tickets yet :laughcry: I think the older G's are sexier and sadly you can't find any in workshop
  28. Cudder

    delete posted by accident B

    You rode out for me bombing some cunt, god tier shooting skills, gonna miss you :panda:
  29. Cudder

    Action Request

    This was my first time using a bomb, so I honestly had no clue about the glitch where it goes through the door and at the time I thought the bomb just gets placed into the door like SWAT C2. I apologise for your loss, but there's nothing I can really do about the glitch however I've made sure...