Thank you for a good time

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Basically got a job and started working again, and I've been a college student for a while now so I find the time I used to set aside for PERP and fun shit is more pressed into chasing real life goals instead of a fake car and an armory of guns.. I joined when I was 15 and I'm 19 going onto 20 now. PERP was more fun back then since it was constant shootouts and more beef but now it's dead and I've seen a lot of good people go so I guess it's my time.

@Andoyan & @Garo.k y'all were the first two people I met when I was a sweater I helped you guys run off from the cops and being in a high rank the Armenian Mafia was amazing, we grew big and everyone was fuckin trigger happy I loved the shootouts everyday
@Shokron13 Made so many memes like put some respeck on it, cheekin gang, boolying people & SB 6Ghost
@peemnaja Best asian nigga I met, under arrest for being gay
@huexd its real
and if I forgot anyone else my bad but I just finished smoking a fat backwoods seeeeeen?
Later cuddi!! I can see why you are leaving and it's no biggie!
Kidd Cudi is one of my favorite artists!
Sad to see you go dude , thanks for a lot of fun times we had together since I was new and it is very nice to meet you. Come back sometimes whenever you feel like to and good luck dude.
It was some good old times before with all the shooting, and growing,nobody could fuck with us or they would have a nice c4 planted on their door with some handgrenades inside their home, It was fun having you in the organization and you did a very good job, wish you good luck
on no my cheekin ;( , ive had so much good time with you fucking booly and there is no reason for me to say goodbye really cause we always talk on SC, met you ages ago in armenians , and i still belive you are one of my best friends, funniest guy and the most retarded cheekin ive ever met, when u off work hmu, ill booly you some more.